I ran Opensuse 10.3/11 KDE3 on my HP laptop, and recently went back to Ubuntu 8.10. Opensuse runs better on this laptop than any distro ever has hands down. I just got my Opensuse 11.1 DVD in the mail. It is going to replace Ubuntu. I just can’t decide between the comfortable KDE3 or KDE4. I’ve played around with the 11.1 KDE4 live CD, and the only thing missing for me is something to control CPU policy. With KDE3, there was kpowersave. I could set both CPU’s to full speed. The only applet I could find in KDE4 was the battery monitor applet. I tried to set it to performance, but the CPU’s still showed 800(capable of 2000). I’m I just misunderstanding something, or is there anternative to kpowersave?
There is in the latest beta it’s in kicker > Configure Desktop > Advanced >Power management. Even better than the kde3 version IMHO however wasn’t that great in 4.13 as far as i remember
67GTA wrote:
> I ran Opensuse 10.3/11 KDE3 on my HP laptop, and recently went back to
> Ubuntu 8.10. Opensuse runs better on this laptop than any distro ever
> has hands down. I just got my Opensuse 11.1 DVD in the mail. It is
> going to replace Ubuntu. I just can’t decide between the comfortable
> KDE3 or KDE4. I’ve played around with the 11.1 KDE4 live CD, and the
> only thing missing for me is something to control CPU policy. With
> KDE3, there was kpowersave. I could set both CPU’s to full speed. The
> only applet I could find in KDE4 was the battery monitor applet. I
> tried to set it to performance, but the CPU’s still showed 800(capable
> of 2000). I’m I just misunderstanding something, or is there
> anternative to kpowersave?
power devil - it’s managed in systemsettings -> advanced tab -> power
there’s also lithium which has a plasmoid, cmd is “li”
Suse 11.0 x64, Kde 4.2beta (unstable repo), Opera 9.x weekly
It seemed to stick when I changed it in system settings> advanced> powermanagement. It didn’t change just by setting it in the panel applet. Thanks for the info. I guess I’ll be trying KDE4 this weekendlol!
Maybe I’m missing something but: Yuck, nothing that can sit in on the panel and adjust power settings. :\
Maybe I’m missing something but: Yuck, nothing that can sit in on the panel and adjust power settings.
There is a battery monitor widget available (for KDE4.X) that can be used to configure power management settings.
deano ferrari wrote:
>> Maybe I’m missing something but: Yuck, nothing that can sit in on the
>> panel and adjust power settings.
> There is a battery monitor widget available (for KDE4.X) that can be
> used to configure power management settings.
What’s it called? The only battery related widget I see is Battery Monitor
and it’s purely informational.
I can’t find the lithium widget that an earlier poster references in the
I have the Battery Monitor widget installed (using KDE 4.2.4), and left-clicking on it, brings up the power management box, allowing me to choose power profiles etc. If I click on ‘More…’, I can bring up the ‘Power Management KDE Control Module’, which can also be accessed via Configure Desktop (in menu) > Advanced > Power Management.
deano ferrari wrote:
> I have the Battery Monitor widget installed (using KDE 4.2.4), and
> left-clicking on it, brings up the power management box, allowing me to
> choose power profiles etc. If I click on ‘More…’, I can bring up the
> ‘Power Management KDE Control Module’, which can also be accessed via
> Configure Desktop (in menu) > Advanced > Power Management.
Oh Geez. <smacks self on forhead> Yes. I’m just so used to right-clicking
I guess.
I’m just so used to right-clicking
I guess.
Yeah, its probably all that Windoze training
You know one of my gripes with openSUSE is that in a KDE install all the powersave options are at their most intense, I have to configure my monitor, the power save applet, the screen saver to all not use powersave.
Granted for laptops openSUSE’s aggressive power save options are great but I have a desktop.
deano ferrari wrote:
>> I’m just so used to right-clicking
>> I guess.
> Yeah, its probably all that Windoze training
Well, that and kde 3.x