When I open up Kontact, for some reason Kontact and Kmail open up in seperate windows instead of the same window. I am using Kontact for KDE 4.1, and I have been for a while with out this problem but it just started for some reason. When I try and open the configuration window for Kontact it just crashes so changing anything that way is out of the question. I have not yet checked in KDE’s bugzilla to see if this is a known problem or not will do so after I send this.
“We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than only freedom can make security more secure.” Karl Popper
Well I found a way to get around the crash when trying to configure kontact and I couldn’t believe what I saw, or more like didn’t see, but the configuration options for Kmail are missing from Kontact (see image). http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4674/configurekontactod1.th.png](http://img99.imageshack.us/my.php?image=configurekontactod1.png)
So it looks like the problem is just in my Kontact settings, does anyone know how to fix them or where they are so I can remove them and have Kontact configure a new settings? I know that there is a ~/.kde4/share/config/kontactrc, but is there anymore that I need to be aware of so I can remove them?
i had the same problem
i installed the latest version of kontact and every things is working properly now.
try it
Roger Marquis wrote:
> i had the same problem
> i installed the latest version of kontact and every things is working
> properly now.
> try it
> –
> Roger_Marquis
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roger_Marquis’s Profile: http://forums.opensuse.org/member.php?userid=6026
> View this thread: http://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php?t=391902
Yea I updated all my KDE 4.1 packages, still no go until I started getting the Password Dialog every 30 minutes saying Kmail wants to access my wallet that was the dead give away to my problem, I did a pgrep on Kmail and found out that even though I didn’t launch Kmail it was running in the background I killed that and now everything works again. What really threw me off was that KDE 4.1 was reopening Kmail in the background after logout/logins and even system reboots. Oh well at least I know the session manager works XD.
“We must plan for freedom, and not only for security, if for no other reason than only freedom can make security more secure.” Karl Popper