I recently had to re-install Tumbleweed and as I was configuring things to my preferences, I noticed that the settings for font size and scroll length that I changed in Konsole weren’t saved after a reboot. I see there’s a file in /usr/share/konsole for Root Shell profile but not one for user. Is anyone aware if this is a bug or if there is a file I can edit to make the changes permanent?
- You mean you are running KDE and use the Konsole terminal emulator there?
- When yes, configurations like you mention are user configurations and are thus stored (or should be stored, because you they are lost) in the home directory of that user and not somewhere on the system level (in /etc or /usr, they are only defaults). I guess the configs are in ~/.local/share/konsole. At least I have profiles there.
- You say things are lost after shutdown, but are they also lost after logout?
It works fine for me. But there’s a trick to it.
After install, or as a new user, the first time that I use “konsole”, I do this:
- Go into settings, and “Edit current profile”.
- The first box that I see gives the name of the current profile as “Default”. I change that to “Default”. That is to say, I delete the final “t” and then put it back. I do not click “Apply” because it is still greyed out.
- I next click on appearance, and change something (color scheme and font size).
- I click “OK” to save the changes.
- I then exit from “konsole” and restart it.
This cause a profile named “Default” to be save in user settings.
If I skip step 2, then any changes are instead saved to “Profile 1” (or is that “Profile 2” or “Profile 3”). I finish up with a mess of profiles. Doing it the way that I suggested, settings are saved in the newly created “Default” profile, and I don’t get other profiles unless I explicitly create them.
Thanks nrickert. That worked.
Necro-ing this thread to add some information: (this issue still exists, and) if you’ve already ended up with the mess of profiles, you can delete the .local/share/konsole folder to undo the mess to get back to the fresh-install state. At that point, doing the meaningless edits to the Default profile and saving it as described above works again, and you’ll be able to save your Konsole settings and have them properly persist.
(Adding this information for the sake of anyone else who ends up here via Google and needs the help.)
Adding to necro- I noticed that the profile was being rewritten on exit to the old values AFTER it had actually saved the new, modified values, so what I did is make my changes to Default, apply/save them, then edit the privileges of the Default.profile file to not be writable (without first exiting). This caused the changes to persist, but is a less than ideal solution.
It is still working for me, as described, in Leap 15.2. However, in Tumbleweed it now won’t allow me to use the name “Default” for the profile. So I have to name it to something else (I guess “MyDefault” would work).