Konsole fails to launch after upgrade to 202411211?

Hi, after upgrading to Tumbleweed snapshot 202411211 konsole fails to launch. I have created a backup of kde cache by passing # cp ~./cache ~./cache.bak
Can you help repair this problem (konsole not launching)?

Update, able to edit files via Dolphin using Kate still.


~/.cache (note the difference) is NOT important.

Many folks will delete the ~/.cache/* to fix issues (overall). “.cache” is not important.

What’s “more important” is ~/.config.

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@aggie thank you for helping clear up my misinformation. I have taken the liberty to investigate the journal a bit more concerning this matter. Passing journalctl -b -1 -r | grep -i "error\|warn\|fail"
Does appear to have two relevant entires related konsole .

Dec 15 13:40:39 hightower konsole[4183]: /usr/bin/konsole: error while loading shared libraries: libkonsoleprivate.so.24.08.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Dec 15 13:40:35 hightower konsole[4168]: /usr/bin/konsole: error while loading shared libraries: libkonsoleprivate.so.24.08.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If further information is needed to evaluate situation please reply.

Enable the terminal in Dolphin and perform a zypper dup. libkonsoleprivate.so.24.08.3 is an old version. There is an upgrade to konsole-24.12.0-1.1 in Tumbleweed snapshot 20241213 available.

Afterwards post output from
zypper se -si konsole


hostnamectl > CPE OS Name: cpe:2.3:o:opensuse:tumbleweed:20241213:::::::*

zypper se -si konsole
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S  | Name              | Type    | Version     | Arch   | Repository
i  | konsole           | package | 24.12.0-1.1 | x86_64 | repo-oss
i  | konsole-part      | package | 24.12.0-1.1 | x86_64 | repo-oss
i  | konsole-part-lang | package | 24.12.0-1.1 | noarch | repo-oss

Does konsole start now?
Is there any output when you start konsole from the builtin Dolphin terminal?

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@hui yes, konsole starts now. No output is displayed via Dolphin terminal now or prior when konsole failed to launch.

I believe the issue is resolved. I am not certain to mark solved yet because of a bit more testing required…

Thanks for your help. :grinning:

Things appear to be working well as per the situation in this thread. I will mark solved now. Thanks again for help.

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