I’m developing on the openSUSE 13.1 official release, with up to date patches, and no broken RPM dependencies. I’m building a web site with pages that I’d like to appear as close to identical as possible, across a variety of browsers and Operating Systems ( ya, right ).
The concerns I’m expressing here are about an HTML DIV with height and width explicitly specified in pixels.
To simplify comparison across browsers on a specific machine, for now I have the font related information specified as follows.
font: normal normal 400 14px/1em monospace !important ;
The appearance of a page is as expected, on Linux using any of Chromium, Firefox, Chrome, Midori, Opera, QupZilla, SeaMonkey, or Epiphany. It’s also correct on MS-Windoze using Chrome, Firefox. It’s even correct using IE ( imagine that! ).
The appearance of a page is not as expected on Linux using either of Konqueror or Rekonq.
If I use the inspector in Rekonq, it shows that the Computed Style has honored the font-family and font-size. Despite that, there are several words more per line ( and so plenty of characters more) with Rekonq, than with the browsers that seem to actually be using the correct font-family and font-size, and the appearance with Konqueror is similar to Rekonq.
That gives me the impression that despite what the inspector shows me, Rekonq can’t be using the font-family and font-size the inspector claims it is, or the number of characters per line would be much closer to what it is with the other browsers I’ve listed.
I’ve also noticed something odd in the inspector in Rekonq. In some cases if I specify a border of 2px and padding of 1px, the inspector will instead show me something such as a border of 0px and padding of 3px. Although in the right circumstances that’s not necessarily going to disrupt the intended layout, it does seem rather unusual.
For me, this all raises these questions:
- Is there some mistake I’ve made in the CSS font statement which I haven’t caught, that somehow just happens to appear to work as I expected in all the other browsers I’ve listed?
- Is there something special/unusual that must be done for fonts after installing Konqueror or Rekonq? As it is, I’ve just installed the RPM’s and left the installed browsers configured as they were, immediately after being installed. For example, are there separate fonts that must be installed for the konq browsers?
- Is there something special/unusual that must be done in using CSS with Konqueror or Rekonq, that isn’t needed with any of the other browsers I’ve listed?
- Does this situation appear to have uncovered some sort of design-flaws/bugs in Konqueror and Rekonq?
Any pertinent thoughts would be greatly appreciated.