konquerer violates data integrity, moving files resets times

How can that be? If I move files in konquerer, the timestamps get reset?
3000 of private files, that I had organized around their timestamp got messed up, because their timestamp was reset to current date. Please help. This is a katastrophe for me!!! :open_mouth:


opensuse 64 10.3

Hmmm… interesting.
When you move files with Konqueror, in the same time you are accessing them.
This operation resets your Accessed label to the current timestamp.

Are these image-files?

Images have two dates, one for when the file was created/touched, and another in the image metadata for when the photograph was taken. Don’t confuse these two different dates. Konqueror surely shouldn’t mess with the image metadata-stuff.

i tried on one of my computers running kde 3, opensuse 11, and no mess happens, only the Access time is updated, not the Modified time