Suse 11.1 kde4.2
Koffice is busted on this machine. The previous version was flakey and prone to crashing. I upgraded in the hope of finding stability. Currently using Does anyone have koffice2 working and stable ?
xxxxxxx:~/Documents> kword
QObject::connect: Cannot connect KoDocumentInfo::infoUpdated(const QString &, const QString &) to (null)::documentInformationUpdated(const QString &, const QString &)
kword(29129)/kdeui (KAction) KActionCollection::setComponentData: this does not work on a KActionCollection containing actions!
kword(29129)/koffice (lib komain) KoPluginLoader::load: Loading plugin “Chart Shape” failed, "QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load /usr/lib64/kde4/ (/usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: ZNK18QStandardItemModel9mimeTypesEv)" ( 1 )
kword(29129)/koffice (filter manager) KoFilterManager::filterAvailable: The library “” does not offer a check ""function.
kword: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZNK7QString7indexOfER7QReg