KODI - extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called.... fills log until system crash

I noticed that after updating my OS to 42.2 KODI seems to not play videos anymore. On playing any video the UI freezes and the terminal shows thousands of error lines that just fill the logs until system crash, unless I kill the process fast.

The error is somthing related to Python crypto

extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_bytes() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_bytes() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_bytes() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_bytes() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_bytes() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function Cryptography_rand_status() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.

at a guess kodi dependencies could have switched to opensuse -> try reinstalling from packman?

Did that, still, the same issue. I read that this is related to some python-cryptography package.

Try adding the python repo (It’ll have more recent versions than what is in the OSS) and update your system. The following adds the regular Python (2.x) repo, there is a different repo for Python3.

zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/python/openSUSE_Leap_42.2/ Python_42.2

Follow the above command with an update command to update all the Python packages on your system

zypper up


The bug is in PyOpenSSL, it was introduced and then fixed in the middle of last year, unfortunately the version in 42.2 comes from the brief time it was broken.

I reported the bug about a month ago:
there hasn’t been much progress so far, but at least the bug has been assigned someone.

That did it!

I went and added that repo, then changed system packages to it, ran zypper ref and zypper up and now Kodi works without errors.

Thanks a lot!