Known to work USB Wifi dongle

I know, looking for the easy way out, but are there any ‘known to work automatically’ AC wifi dongles? There must be some…
Think I have been spoilt as have been using Linksys WUSB600N adaptors for a number of years, and they have been brilliant!


Hard to say. One needs to know which Wifi chip is used. I remember buying three different ones, different brands that is, to come home and find out they were all Broadcoms, where I was going to avoid those. Spent hours online to find out which models would work and their availability, then was able to change the three for two others, ath9k IIRC, But even then, I ordered a third, same model number, and it had an Intel chip. There’s a brick and mortar shop in town where they used to let you try the dongle in the shop if you wanted.

I have had good luck with these - some seem to fail after 6 months of use - they are inexpensive so not a problem - I buy 5 at a time for that reason. I have a couple that are 2 years old that were used with OpenSUSE 41 then 42 and now 15.

I also use network manager for my wan/lan connections - it seems to support wifi better in my opinion.

Thanks for that, but wanting to get an AC dongle. As I said, use the Linksys ones which are N capable, and they have never failed.
