knotes kde4

i’m in the process of moving from 10.3 to 11.1 and kde4.
i’ve got some knotes i’d like to move from 10.3, but i can’t get the kde3 version of knotes to run. but the knotes plasmoid (widget?) does run. (i’m not yet happy with kde4.)

is there a way to kde3 version of knotes to run and be able to move the directory from the old machine?

Just make a back up of your .kde hidden folder from your 10.3 install

FYI I also keep a copy of my knotes in a text file. I use knotes all the time.

On a slightly different note, you might want to consider, either sticking with kde3 in 11.1 or upgrading kde4 right away after install
KDE4.2.* (How To Add) Guide. - openSUSE Forums

i’m about 60% done with my install process, and i will have to admit to not being real thrilled with kde4. i went with 4 because i “assumed” 3 would fall out of support soon. if kde3 is going to be supported for some time, i may rip up and start over. this is a used box and i doubt i will ever move it to 11.2. what is the word on kde3?

kde3 will remain for many years via, but openSUSE will not be supporting it AFAIK in future releases.
It’s just that kde4 as shipped with 11.1 kind of sucks - so contrary to the norm, we recommend a upgrade.

kde3 is shipped with 11.1 and will be supported for the life of 11.1

So the choice is yours really.
11.2 is due in November.

I know users who have kde3 in 11.1 because they want the stability. But I do think it is possible in both kde3 and kde4 (if you update it as I posted the HowTo).

I have kde3 installed along side Factory RC2 of kde4.3, but I would not recommend you go as far as RC2, just the HowTo I posted which will be kde4.2.4 ATM I think.

i read your how-to, and several others, and decided to reinstall with 3.5 as the default. i need a stable box for now. from what little i’ve seen of kde4, next install might be gnome.

thanks for your help.

You are welcome.

Certainly kde4 has been a major change. But know this. kde4 is the benchmark by which other desktops will be compared. It may have started life a little rocky, but it will be ‘The’ desktop environment.
Probably, you made the right choice for now though. All the best…
