knetwork manager not found, openSUSE 12.1 kde live

Installed using openSUSE12.1 KDE live 32 bit. After setting up the network in Yast, I went back into the program to enable control by network manager. A message popped up indicating that I need the applet knetwork manager.

I can’t seem to find knetwork manager. I’ve tried a software search in yast software management. Any help would be appreciated.

It’s now: plasmoid-networkmanager

But I seem to recall the were some issues with network on the CD. I could be wrong

If I switch from “ifup” to Network Manager in 12.1, I always get that message.

It is usually followed by a message that the network is not running. A reboot gets the network running under Network Manager.

I tried switching from ifup to network manager, followed by rebooting. Network does not work afterwords. Presently getting internet access using ifup.

I’m using the following repositories:
Index of /


A search for knetwork in software management reveals nothing.

Did someone mention ‘plasmoid’
knetworkmanager has gone

I installed plasmoid-networkmanager, and it doesn’t work. But hey, its not even version 1.0 software, so why would anyone expect it to work.

This problem is just so lame. The previous network manager worked just great.

On some other threads, users posted that they had to delete their kde profile in order to get plasmoid-networkmanager back working.

I had the same problem as you. So I tried removing the KDE profile per the instructions in the other threads, and when I restarted I got a new KDE profile, and plasmoid-networkmanager was working again.

Based on one user’s comment, I actually just changed the name of my KDE profile, rather than deleting it:

mv /home/username/.kde4 /home/username/x.kde4

This way, I guess if the new kde profile was corrupted, you could revert to the old “x.kde4” profile. Make sure you already had the plasmoid-networkmanager installed prior to carrying this out. You might have to reboot to see your changes. I made sure I was logged out of KDE and just used CTRL+ALT+F1 to bring up a blank terminal screen when I carried out the mv command. You should probably make sure all your important data is already backed up - I don’t know all the effects of deleting the KDE profile. I lost my wallpaper and some of my desktop settings, but that seemed to be the only trouble I ran into.

Unfortunately, even with plasmoid-networkmanager working and my wireless connected to my router, I still can’t get any signs of network life - can’t even ping the router, much less get a web page to come up. But, that’s another matter that I’ll be troubleshooting tonight.

Good luck!
Andy Prough
Kyle, TX

Thanks for all the help everyone. I abandoned the KDE live version, and installed Gnome. Gnome networking works just fine, although I disagree with requiring the root password to connect to a wifi hotspot.

Out of curiousity, if this is a bug in 12.1, shouldn’t it be fixed already? I installed 12.1 on a separate HD last night: No Network Manager, even after an update. Let me rephrase that. Yast does say that I have A network manager. Apparently, this is a network manager different from 11.4.