Kmess symbol lookup error with Kde 4.5.2

Hello all

With Kde 4.5.2 Kmess wont start any more with the following error message:(

kmess: symbol lookup error: kmess: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii

Is this a bug?

or a bug in kde 4.5.2 as 4.5.1 factory was working allright

Is there a bypass for this ??

How did you update?
Please also post output of

zypper lr -d

hello kurpht

only 1 repositry the kde 45 update repositrei

all other 14 disabled

You should enable the OSS, NON-OSS, Updates and kde45
Then do this in principle on kde45

hello caf4926

I will enable them and do a reinstall kde 4.5.2

see what then happens

there are more problems with programs but im now downloading upgrades off them


Needed a total new install 11.3
added the kde 45 repo
installed 45

Every thing is working as before no problems