
Having trouble finding this but I know it is around.
Can anybody tell me what repository to add for Kmediafactory for Opensuse 11.1

Alternatively - if it is not available for 11.1 then which repo for 11.0 (which I know exists) as I’m sure that will work just as well.

found it in the packman 11.0 repo.
Any particular reason it is not in the 11.1 repo?

Also - latest release available in Packman is 0.52.xx. Actual latest release from Kmediafactory is 0.7.xx

This little app doesn’t seem to be getting much love from Opensuse.

Saying “not much love” is rather harsh. I think the packagers all do their best.

I noted :

The 0.7.0 rc3 is available as a tarball for users to install. I also once read, the KMediafactory coder was looking for a developer to port to QT4, but I have not seen any reference to this since.

The developer appears to have shifted their page from the inactiveKMediaFacotry - page to the KMediaFactory - page. But again, only reference to 0.6.0.

I’m wondering if all work on this application was stopped before version 0.7.0 was finally released? If so, and if the future of this application is indeed ended or very uncertain, then that could be the reason/explain why Packman packagers no longer package it. (again … the tarball of the “no longer supported” ??? version is available).

Do you have any more recent information ?

There are other applications that one can use. Take a look at this URL:
Applications - DVD Authoring Tools - openSUSE Forums

OK, I manged to find the NEW home page for kmediafactory:
kmediafactory - Google Code

It appears to be now hosted by google. There is a list of updates here:
kmediafactory - Google Code - updates list

and RC3 of 0.7.0 does appear to be the latest version.

I note the google pages hosts the 0.7.0 RC3 versoin, the 0.6.0 version and the version. Its not clear to me what version is the “stable” version? Possibly the 0.6.0 version? I dont’ know.

I researched this some more. This appears to be another KDE app caught up in the transition from KDE3 to KDE4.

The version appears to be the LAST KDE3 version. The 0.6.0 version appers to be the first KDE4 port (and I suspect it could be buggy - but thats speculation on my part). The 0.7.0 RC3 version, still being developed, is a KDE-4.1 version.

Hence it appears the version is the last stable version, … but only available for KDE3.

How many users (besides myself) use KDE-3.5.10 on openSUSE-11.1 ? Given this is an app in transition, the Packman packager may have thought it not worth their while to repackage for 11.1, unless specific users ask them for it to be supported.

Thanks for looking into that.

I did manage to find the kmediafactory pages with the three versions you listed above. the 0.7rc3 version last update is dated Dec 2008 so that seems fairly recent.

I have submitted a request via the packman wiki so will be interesting to see what happens with that.

I might try installing from the 11.0 repo and see how that goes.

There do seem to be other packages that are more popular than kmediafactory - notably QDVDAuth - but I just like the simplicity of kmediafactory - I can just drag a movie in there - hit a couple of buttons and bang out a DVD ready for authoring and it loads up K3B for burning.

Only recently updated to 11.1 so don’t have any dev packages installed as yet so can’t really compile myself just at the moment.

As for KDE 3 - I did initially use it with my first install of Opensuse 11.1 as I didn’t think that 4.1.xx was really up to it.
Have only recently changed to 4.2 that has shown some good improvements. Still seems a bit unstable though and get the odd crash.