KMail IMAP Server Password Not Saved

Hello there,

I just made a fresh install of LEAP 42.2 using KDE desktop. I added my work’s email to KMail client, but the application just keeps asking me the IMAP password like every 5-7 minutes. It’s my first time using KDE, since I’m a XFCE user. Anyway, I read something about kwallet, it seems to be working, but it has never asked me anything related to add that password to the wallet.

Here is the screenshot:

What should I do to keep this password saved?

Thak you so much!

Hi, I just noticed, that KMail is asking for the password, anytime that the network connection comes up, any idea?

Sure that you didn’t disable kwallet maybe?
That’s required by kmail to store passwords…

What version of kmail are you using anyway?
Does kwalletmanager or kwalletmanager5 (which one depends on the kmail version) show your passwords?

Hey there wolfi323,

Thank you so much, kwalletmanager was working, but kwalletmanager4 didn’t. I fixed that and it’s now working like a charm :slight_smile:
