I have been plagued by problems with KMail. Sometimes Akonadi server fails to start:
0: akonadiserver(_Z11akBacktracev+0x39) [0x40c5d9]
1: akonadiserver() [0x40cb42]
2: /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x32a60) [0x7f2945530a60]
3: /lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x35) [0x7f29455309e5]
4: /lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x186) [0x7f2945531ee6]
5: /usr/lib64/libQtCore.so.4(_Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc+0x74) [0x7f294670e984]
6: akonadiserver(_ZN15FileDebugStream9writeDataEPKcx+0xab) [0x40e45b]
7: /usr/lib64/libQtCore.so.4(_ZN9QIODevice5writeEPKcx+0x77) [0x7f2946799c37]
8: /usr/lib64/libQtCore.so.4(+0x103026) [0x7f29467a2026]
9: /usr/lib64/libQtCore.so.4(_ZN11QTextStreamD1Ev+0x3b) [0x7f29467aaefb]
10: /usr/lib64/libakonadiprivate.so.1(_ZN6QDebugD1Ev+0x4b) [0x7f2946b6147b]
11: /usr/lib64/libakonadiprivate.so.1(_ZN7Akonadi13AkonadiServer25startMysqlDatabaseProcessEv+0x33ea) [0x7f2946b6efca]
12: /usr/lib64/libakonadiprivate.so.1(_ZN7Akonadi13AkonadiServer20startDatabaseProcessEv+0x2e8) [0x7f2946b70288]
13: /usr/lib64/libakonadiprivate.so.1(_ZN7Akonadi13AkonadiServerC1EP7QObject+0x76) [0x7f2946b706b6]
14: /usr/lib64/libakonadiprivate.so.1(_ZN7Akonadi13AkonadiServer8instanceEv+0x4a) [0x7f2946b71dba]
15: akonadiserver(main+0x217) [0x406767]
16: /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7f294551cb7d]
17: akonadiserver() [0x406459]
At other points the program simply hangs and becomes unresponsive when sending an email. Then at a few other points it simply crashes out, out which point I submit a bug report.
I really like KMail when it works. What can I do to improve things? Is there a more up to date Repository? Should I try KDE 4.5? When do the patches in bug reports make their way ‘back down’?
OS Information
OS: Linux 2.6.34-12-desktop x86_64
System: openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64)
KDE: 4.4.4 (KDE 4.4.4) “release 2”
Display Info
Vendor: nVidia Corporation
Model: GeForce GTX 275
2D driver: nvidia
3D driver: NVIDIA 256.35
CPU Information
Processor (CPU): Intel(R) Core™ i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
Speed: 2,673.69 MHz
Cores: 4
Memory Information
Total memory (RAM): 11.8 GiB
Free memory: 109.1 MiB (+ 11.1 GiB Caches)
Free swap: 36.0 GiB