I’ve been looking around and haven’t found anything about this:
When i’m in Kmail and i go to settings. It will crash almost immediately if I click on the Security “tab”. No crash report or anything. when running from CLI i get: [FONT=arial]kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libkmailprivate.so.5: undefined symbol: ZNK6QGpgME12CryptoConfig5entryERK7QStringS3_S3
I get the same type of crash when i open/create Identities. but it gives: [/FONT]kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libKF5Libkleo.so.5: undefined symbol: ZNK6QGpgME12CryptoConfig5entryERK7QStringS3
Does anyone have any ideas? or having the same issue?
No additional repositories. I’ve been through everything and it is all on the same versioning. I’ve re-installed the two things that come up when I search for the libraries.
I have noticed that when I did the 15.3 install it added the SLE repos without really letting me know it would.
I just had an issue with GIMP that was similar. It had a bad versioning on one of the libraries for it(due to the SLE repo). But an update and re-install fixed it. but i can’t find the bad version with kmail. I’ve looked for akonadi, kmail, PIM and they all appear to have the proper versioning.
I just noticed the undefined symbol text is identical and has cryptoconfigsentry in it. Could this be a clue as to which library is incorrect? i can’t find anything with that exact wording…
Finding and replacing the package(s) that are causing the symbol lookup error is OK… but, you really need to find which repository is implicated, or you may well have future problems with updates.
Without showing your repository list, we can’t really offer much assistance, perhaps at some stage you’ve used a “1-Click” install that has introduced incompatible repositories.
It was just past midnight my local time when the OP made his first reply in comment #3… I’d called it a day by then :Z
I was not commenting on you going to get your well earned sleep. I was commenting on the OP not providing what was asked for, but nevertheless posting thus he must have read what was asked for. Apparently it is not quite clear to him that when you do not co-operate with those that are trying to help in their spare time (when this here was a payed service, the lost time for re-asking would be on the bill of course), he may expect that people quit the thread and go for a more rewarding discussion elsewhere.
I must say, the fact that you answer him nevertheless, after your rest, makes you something of a caring angle.
Just as a follow up, these are the default 15.3 repositories (excluding debug):
Main OSS https://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/$releasever/repo/oss/
Main Non OSS https://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/$releasever/repo/non-oss/
Main Update OSS https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/$releasever/oss
Main Update Non OSS https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/$releasever/non-oss/
Update Backports https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/$releasever/backports/
Update SLE https://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/$releasever/sle/
Alternatively “$releasever” may be replaced with the specific version, but the use of $releasever makes subsequent updates somewhat easier as there is no need to edit the repository URIs.
I’m sorry that i spent a Saturday with my family. I believed that responding with NO ADDITION REPOSITORIES was sufficient. but i guess not. I’ve been using SUSE for about 10 years now and i don’t do the 1-click for installs. I’ve been burned by that before.
Responses like these are kind of why i don’t usually post here.
That is only your conclusion, but people here like to see the facts and then come to their own conclusions.
Fact is also that people having a problem often focus on what they think might be wrong. Asking others for help may lead to a complete new view on the problem by people that are not bound to the same focus. It is only very human to have such a focus on maybe a path that is leading nowhere. And that is why we often ask for computer facts to be shown. Not while we do not trust you as a person (because in that case we also would not trust what you post as computer facts), but because we know we can not trust human bug solving capabilities.
But it is you that decide if you want help or not and if you trust that the potential helpers here have enough knowledge of the subject and of the way how to solve problems or not.
But when you are asked to post output of a command and you take the decision not to do so, then please explain that you won’t. Maybe with a little bit of explanation. Bluntly ignoring people that take the trouble of trying to help you in their free time will not bring you a good reputation at all.
For those that might run into this, i was able to fix it.
I found that a couple of the PIM libraries depend on kleopatra. I found that kleopatra wasn’t starting, but had the same undefined error. After digging around, i found a forum post from a gentoo forum that said Kleopatra had an undisclosed dependancy on gpgme and pgpmepp. you need to make sure that gpgme, gpgmepp and libgpgme are installed and the same/current versions. these were NOT installed on my system.
I also installed the python2-gpg and python3-gpg packages as well.
I don’t think this is a widespread (openSUSE) issue, as 15.3 is almost end of life I would have expected to see other reports of it during 15.3’s lifetime.