I want to know kmail account that set up in GUI saved file anywhre.
I guess it maybe saved home/.local/share/???
Please let me know the holder location.
You may have noticed that, when you first start KMail, for the very first time, some “Local Folders” are automagically created – <KMail – Message Folders>.
- Right click on the “Local Folders” Message Folder and select “Account Settings” –
You’ll see a “maildir” directory location like this –
And, as the number of locally stored e-Mail increases, KMail will automagically begin using the following “maildir” directory to store all the locally stored “Local Folders” e-Mail –
You can, if you wish, create additional “maildir” directories within your user’s local directory environment – further information is here – <The KMail Handbook>
There’s some additional information related to KMail in the ArchLinux Wiki here – <Receive local mail in KMail>
Hi dcurtisfa,
Thank your your mail.
I wanna introduce you what I wish to do.
I have been using Kmail .
This moment, I want to change PC reason of opensuse update from 15.0 to 15.6.
So I translated mail data from old pc ‘tar cxf akonadi_maildir_resource_0’ without using export data command reason of err.
Also it was impossible to translate account data from old pc using export data command.
So I want to know account data copy from old pc to new.
Could you tell me the location of account setup data?
If yo still have the disk of the old PC available, take a look in –
Your local e-Mail should be in there.
- Copy everything in there over to a working directory on your new PC and then,
simply point the KMail PIM Import tool to that directory – you must select the import method “Import KMail Maildirs and Folder Structure”.
Please note that, you’ve quoted an incorrect usage of “tar” –
> tar --create --extract --file=ARCHIVE
I suspect that, what you really wanted to do was –
> tar --create --file=akonadi_maildir_resource_0.tar --verbose ~/.local/share/akonadi_maildir_resource_0
- In the absolute shortest form –
> tar cfv akonadi_maildir_resource_0.tar ~/.local/share/akonadi_maildir_resource_0
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