klipper ctrl+alt+v shortcut (open the clipboard content) doesn't works in plasma5

on my PC=Dell latitude E6510, RAM=8Gb, GPU=GT218 NVS 3100M, CPU=i7 Q 720 @ 1.60GHz
I upgraded my opensuse 13.2 to leap 42.1 with KDE4 and plasma5 using wolfi repos

one of the most used feature by me of kde klipper is ctrl+alt+v
klipper in kde4 at ctrl+alt+v open the clipboard content and it is possible to select items with arrows up and down.
it can be configured in system settings>shortcuts and gestures>global keyboard shortcuts>in KDE components select plasma desktop shell>select SystemTray-Klipper-6 and ctrl+alt+v is the default choice that you can change.
where in plasma 5 can I set this shortcut???
manythanks, :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: pier

I am not right now on Plasma 5, so I don’t know exactly where the setting is, but it should be in KDE configuration under global shortcuts, or input devices – keyboard – global shortcuts.

manythanks kacernator :), it was where you said and me too look for and didn’t see, system settings>shortcuts>global keyboard shortcuts>in KDE components select plasma>select open klipper at mouse position.
it isn’t like in the past because open klipper at mouse position instead of in the system tray but I can live with this :slight_smile:

I just stumbled on to the setting you’re looking for. Same location, however you need to select “Custom” and then click the word “None”. Then hit ctrl-alt-v. Exit and test. It works perfectly for me. Hope you have the same luck.

Thank you very much.

now I installed copyQ, very better than kde clipboard, and works very well in plsma5