kiwi liveCD not booting

I have been trying to create a live CD or DVD with kiwi, and following the instructions from Portal:KIWI - openSUSE
All went well with the building and creation of the ISO image, but when I try to boot it I get:

Failed to mount ext3 clic container
Failed to mount root filesystem

if I press Alt-F3 (suggested in the terminal)
the top most error is

tune2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /read-only/fsdata.ext3
Couldn’t find valid filesystem superblock.

Something I did find was that it may not have permission to use tune2fs.
I haven’t done any fiddling with the template supplied with kiwi.


I got the answer to this one from a developer with Novell. Apparently my up-to-date, Tumbleweed has a different version of clicfs to that of the opensuse 11.3 I was trying to build. I believe that you must build the kiwi ISO with the same version as that which you are building. (ie. if you want an 11.3 suse CD or DVD, use kiwi on an 11.3 install to build it.)
I had a Virtualbox 11.3 set up, so installed kiwi to build the ISO within that. It worked.
Now I’m working on adding extra repositories for more packages.
