Kipi plugins in Gwenview with stable updates - when?

Good afternoon!

After the New Year 2017 I had updated my Leap 42.1 to 42.2. I have stable updates repos added: (which previously was

The Kipi plugins in the Gwenview are not working from the very beginning and until now.

The output in the Konsole is:

kipi.library: Plugin “Remote Piwigo Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Imageshack Tool” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Print images” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “SendImages” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Yandex.Fotki Exporter” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Flash Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “ Exporter” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Dropbox Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Flickr/23/Zooomr” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Facebook Import/Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Imgur Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “RemoteStorage” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “SmugMug Import/Export” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “KMLExport” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kipi.library: Plugin “Google Services” has a SO version ( 31 ) which is different than libkipi ABI version ( 32 ). Refusing to load.
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find “appstream”
kf5.kio.core: Refilling KProtocolInfoFactory cache in the hope to find “appstream”
mCurrentMainPageId == ‘StartMainPageId’

So, obviously, the version of Kipi-plugins does not match to one of the Gwenview. This abnormal situation continues already for 2 months as minimum. Downgrading the Gwenview to 16.08.2 from the Main repository makes the Plugins working, but then the Gwenview falls down after attempt to open any image (propably due to incompatibility with some other libraries).

Please, upgrede the version of the Kipi-plugins in stable repos so that they match the Gwenview!

Sorry, but that’s impossible. kipi-plugins is already at the latest version in KDE:Extra.

But the problem is not that kipi-plugins would need to be upgraded.
The problem rather is that KDE:Applications contains a newer libkipi, but kipi-plugins are built against the older one from the standard repo.

The only thing we could do is to provide a new KDE:Extra repo as well, built against KDE:Applications (which then would require KDE:Applications, KDE:Frameworks5 and KDE:Qt5 as well)…

Btw, you are not using “stable repos” really.
These are devel repos for Tumbleweed and basically untested.
They are only provided for other openSUSE versions on a best-effort basis, to be used on your own risk.

The only stable repos (from the distribution’s point of view) are the main ones, i.e. repo-oss and repo-oss-update.

Hello, i made a bugreport to KDE on Febr.8 concerning kipi-plugins ( Nr. 376184 ). I don’t know whether it describes the same problems as yours. Next day the answer says that the bug will be solved with the next release of kipi- plugins 5.5.0 which is due (if i understood it right ) on Mar. 15. Lets hope the best. Ebkr

That bug report is about a specific problem with one particular plugin (“Gwenview not able to resize pictures to send them per e-mail”).

But if you upgrade libkipi to the latest one from KDE:Applications, not a single kipi plugin is working (they all fail to load) because it is incompatible.
kipi-plugins 5.5.0 will not fix that. The only way to fix it is to build kipi-plugins against the newer libkipi, regardless of the kipi-plugins version.

I think it will be the only correct decision. The probability that somebody will add just KDE:Extra repo without adding KDE:Applications is vanishingly small, and using all these four repos simultaneously has much more sense. Anyway, this problem needs to be solved somehow to restore kipi-plugins functioning in the maintenance updates.

The all repos I listed in the first message in the thread have the ‘openSUSE_Leap_42.2’ in their paths, as it can easily be noticed. The links to them are referred to as “Maintenance updates” for Leap 42.2 on the :

“Since openSUSE 12.3, the openSUSE KDE Community team has been following a maintenance procedure where KDE packages that were shipped with the distribution are updated through the maintenance track with minor updates. This to ensure that users have the latest available bug fixes for their KDE release.”

These updates are compiled from official KDE software releases, not from master KDE branch, they have localization packages and are not positioned as “unstable”. For sure the are not meant for using with Tumbleweed, because the Tumbleweed has similar kind of updates by default without adding extra repos. In fact their are working almost perfect, the ONLY issue I met with them is just this sad incompatibility of kipi-plugins with the libkipi.

The unstable updates (compiled from master KDE branch from gits) have their own repos, containing the ‘Unstable’ word in their URLs.

They are quite outdated and using the openSUSE Leap itself would not have a lot of sense for me if I will be restricted to these retarding Main repos. The main advantage of openSUSE Leap over other distributions is just in availability of the Maintenance repos with the fresh actual KDE releases.

I disagree.

But nobody says that we cannot offer both, KDE:Extra for standard 42.2 and KDE:Extra for 42.2+KDE:Applications. :wink:

Anyway, this problem needs to be solved somehow to restore kipi-plugins functioning in the maintenance updates.

It does work in the “maintenance updates”, KDE:Applications is totally out of scope of “maintenance updates”.

The all repos I listed in the first message in the thread have the ‘openSUSE_Leap_42.2’ in their paths, as it can easily be noticed.

Because the packages are built for Leap 42.2.
Not more, not less.

The links to them are referred to as “Maintenance updates” for Leap 42.2 on the :

SDB:KDE repositories - openSUSE Wiki

“Since openSUSE 12.3, the openSUSE KDE Community team has been following a maintenance procedure where KDE packages that were shipped with the distribution are updated through the maintenance track with minor updates. This to ensure that users have the latest available bug fixes for their KDE release.”

Sorry, but you misunderstood that completely it seems.

Notice the word minor updates there?

And this paragraph is talking about official updates in the main Update repo (which is the “maintenance track”), not the additional KDE: repos.
See also: Portal:Maintenance - openSUSE Wiki

These updates are compiled from official KDE software releases, not from master KDE branch, they have localization packages and are not positioned as “unstable”.

They are not unstable in the sense that they only get stable upstream releases.

From the distribution’s point of view they are to be considered “experimental” or inofficial though. (I like to call them “semi-official” as they are maintained by the openSUSE KDE team)

For sure the are not meant for using with Tumbleweed, because the Tumbleweed has similar kind of updates by default without adding extra repos.

They are used mainly for creating (and testing) the packages for Tumbleweed.

In fact their are working almost perfect, the ONLY issue I met with them is just this sad incompatibility of kipi-plugins with the libkipi.

digikam crashes with the newer marble when you try to use the geolocation features.

Actually another reason why I do support creating a separate KDE:Extra repo built against KDE:Applications myself.

The unstable updates (compiled from master KDE branch from gits) have their own repos, containing the ‘Unstable’ word in their URLs.

Right. Those contain unreleased upstream stuff.

But you don’t have to explain our repo setup to me… :wink:

They are quite outdated and using the openSUSE Leap itself would not have a lot of sense for me if I will be restricted to these retarding Main repos. The main advantage of openSUSE Leap over other distributions is just in availability of the Maintenance repos with the fresh actual KDE releases.

Again, these are no Maintenance repos (at least not for Leap, only for Tumbleweed).
Maintenance is done by the openSUSE maintenance team and delivered through the standard Update repo.

I do agree with you that it’s a good thing that we have those extra repos.
But again, they are only offered on a best-effort basis, there is no official guarantee that they are even usable.

And a final remark: such a request (and a discussion about it) is at the wrong place here anyway.
This here are user forums. Most of the developers/maintainers won’t even read that here.

Next time ask on the opensuse-kde mailinglist, please.
There is a related thread already though.

Hello, this afternoon i installed kipi-plugins 5.5.0 achieved from openSUSE package-search. Resizing pictures for sending them per e-mail works again when using , ,< send pictures by e-mail>. So at least my particular problem has been solved. Ebkr

It seems that kipi-plugin (and kipi-plugin-lang) package taken from Thumbleweed repo ( is qiute installable in Leap 42.2 with updated KF5 and Applications and works with Gwenview 17.04. So, it seems to be the solution of the problem.