I don’t know why Kget stopped working apparently without any reason. If I try to run it clicking on the icon in the Kickoff launcher its window doesn’t show up but I can find its process with the system monitor. If I run it through terminal I get this message:
geeko@linux-14s3:~> kget
KGlobal::locale(): Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work
The application shows the same issue if I try to run it with FlashGot in Firefox. Can somebody explain me what happened? Thank you.
kget does not open a window if you start it, it just runs in the system tray. And its icon is normally hidden when there are no active downloads running.
Click on the small up-arrow in the system tray (just left of the digital clock), do you find the icon there? Click on it to open the window.
Already done that, no sign of the icon whatsoever. The only thing I see it’s a bouncing Kget icon in the right corner of the mouse pointer for a few seconds and then nothing. I tried again to activate it with FlashGot but Kget crashed without opening.
Then kill it before you try to run it again.
Kget can only run once.
If it is already running (and hanging maybe), you can start it as often as you want without effect.
Already done. Kget isn’t running (its process can’t be found in the sys monitor) and if I try to open it the only thing I get is an error message from KDE:
Application: KGet (kget), signal: Segmentation fault
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
[KCrash Handler]
#5 0x0000000000440c12 in _start ()
Have you tried whether it works on a fresh user account?
Or try to rename ~/.kde4/share/config/kgetrc and ~/.kde4/share/apps/kget/ (this contains the download history/database).
Especially the latter can make kget crash/not work if it is corrupted.
That’s normal.
You are running it as root now, so it uses root’s settings and root’s home directory for the download history.
PS: as it works as root, there’s not really a point to try with a fresh user account. Just try to rename the config/database. The latter will of course also “wipe out” your download history though.
Thanks a lot!!! Kget is working again after I renamed as you suggested. The application recreated a Kget folder and the kgetrc file. Can I delete the things I previously renamed?
Yes, you can delete them, if you don’t care about the download history or the previous settings.
Anyway, what caused this issue with Kget?
Hard to tell. But most likely the download history file or the file that lists the current downloads got corrupted somehow, causing kget to crash.
I did experience a similar issue once or twice myself but was able to repair it.
If you care about the history, you could try to rename the old ~/.kde4/share/apps/kget/ back (when kget is not running) and only delete the ~/.kde4/share/apps/kget/transfers.kgt file. I think that one was the culprit in my case.