Keyboard numlock stays off in virtual console

With my desktop pc in OS 12.1 and kde 4.7.2 i have my keyboard numlock that’s off each time i go to virtual console (ctrl + alt + F1 for exple).
Numlock is ok in Kde ( i set it to On all the time).

Why is it different in virtual console ? Where is this set ?

Thanks ;=)

Knowing why is one thing, confirming how it seems to work is another. It seems that each virtual console starts with the numlock off, numlock settings are separate and remembered per Virtual console. It has been suggested that the Linux kernel turns off numlock for proper operation of Laptops of which most do not have a separate numlock keypad and thus ignores your BIOS setting. KDE has its own numlock state which can be set for startup and the state of the KDE and all virtual sessions are remembered separately during each entire session. The numlock light state can become out of sync with the actual numlock state when switching between sessions. I can say that what I have written matches what I am seeing with openSUSE 12.1 and 11.4 on the same PC, but its not some sort of exhausted testing. The numlock can be used properly in KDE or a terminal session, just press it a couple of times before you try to enter a number from it in a terminal session when used for the very first time.

Thank You,

from my experience all previous opensuse had numlock on in virtual console, and kde neeeded to be set.
Where the setting for virtual console comes from i’m not sure (kernel certainly), this is why i’m looking for the way to set numlock on all the time in virtual console (ctrl + alt + F1).

ok here’s a tip : Numlock in Text-Mode

any other way to do it is welcome , thanks :wink:

I don’t see anything wrong with running a small script in the /etc/init.d/boot.local file.


for tty in /dev/tty[1-9]*; do
   setleds -D +num < $tty

If this works, you have the solution. I wonder if the first line should be 1-6 though and not 1-9?

Thank You,