Since I have upgraded my opensuse 11 system to kde 4.1, my keyboard doesn’t respond in kdm and in kde4 desktop (except the CTRL-ALT-F1…F12 keys pressed together !).
When I logout and go to command line (without X), the keyboard works.
It seems to be a configuration problem in kde 4.1 …
> Is it possible to re-detect keyboard in kde4 (yast, command line, …) ?
I imagine there IS…
But… think about it…
How would you type the command? {Grin}
[Visions of “Keyboard not found, press F1 to continue”]
From the console (CTRL-ALT-F1), log in as yourself, delete the .kde4
subdirectory, log out, then press CTRL-ALT-F7, then CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE
twice. You’ll hear an icky beep, then the X-windows session will restart.
{log in as you}
rm -rf .kde4
{press CTRL-ALT-F7}
{press CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE twice}
I’ve solved the problem with a complete reinstallation of Opensuse (11.1 directly). The problem seems to come from the factory (= beta) versions of kde.
laurentdelacre wrote:
> 32 bit…
> I’ve solved the problem with a complete reinstallation of Opensuse
> (11.1 directly). The problem seems to come from the factory (= beta)
> versions of kde.
Well I figured out the slow keys settings got true. It was a suggestion from Usenet.