key combination to lock keyboard ?

From time to time (less often than once a week on average), when I am editing something (either with openoffice/Linux or with something else in a Vista virtual machine…), my keyboard locks in the current session. Apart from that everything is still OK and all the programs launched that can be driven by a mouse work OK.
If use the mouse and the K menu to launch another session, the keyboard is active in the other session. However, if I come back to the first one with Ctrl+alt+F7 or by switch session, the keyboard is locked again.

Does anyone know if a keystroke combination can lock the keyboard (remember Ctrl S in a terminal window!) and if yes how to regain a working keyboard ???

NB: I use kde 4.2.1

Really, nobody has an idea ?

slow keys (frozen keyboard) - openSUSE Forums maybe?

Thanks for the info.
I duplicate the possible cure here:
“Fortunately you can turn it off with just the mouse by going to the K menu -> Control Centre -> Regional & Accessibility -> Accessibility -> Activation Gestures, and untick the first box (‘Use gestures for activating slow keys and sticky keys’). Also go to the Keyboard Filters tab and untick the ‘Use slow keys’ box if it is ticked.”

I had unticked “Use Slow keys” but not the “Use gestures for activating slow keys and sticky keys”!

Let’s hope my keyboard will never freeze again!

Thanks again.