I did install the kernel 3.1.5 on my Lenovo laptop X201 Thinkpad. I am running 11.1 evergreen but this matters little with these kernels. I installed via SAKC. The change of battery duration indicated by the system was: with kernel 3.1.4 and before, 4:30. With 3.1.5 the duration is given with 6:34. The machine seems also more quiet, fan goes less, and it seems less hot then before. I would suppose this has to do with the famous patch correcting for the pci-e errors. Just to let you know.
Also I had looked this morning and this new kernel version was not yet posted, so it is hot off the presses, just as kernel-3.2-rc5 is as well. Just loaded that one myself. Anyway, keep us posted if you find any other interesting information on this kernel version.
I assume that the kernel version 3.1.5 will show up in the main line soon enough and doing a normal update is all that is required. As a author of some scripts that can help, you can use them to install any kernel version that you would like. Here is a script to fetch any kernel version (which by the way can be found at kernel.org now).
With these scripts, you can fetch and compile any released kernel clear back to 2005, though you normally do not go below the original released kernel version. There are other options like the kernel/head repositories though most often they will not have a version like 3.1.5 there. Anyway, if you decide to use SAKC, it will not remove your old kernel, so if there is a problem, you can switch back to it again. If you load a proprietary video driver from nVIDIA or AMD, it must be reinstalled when you upgrade your kernel. If you are using a very small SSD hard drive, be aware that keeping six or more kernels, five of which you are not using, does start to waste some space (about 7 GB each), so remove those unused kernels.
Hi James. I have a problem. After every compile with SAKC my free space of root is going down. I did eliminate the files of the autocompile previous versions in /usr/src. But still space goes down. There must be some logfile or tempfile written during install, that seems very big (I would guess it is always 1 GB going off). I did clean /temp and /var/temp with cronjob (all but root’s files) but the ones staying there do not seem to be the problem. Something I continue to overlook. Thanks for every suggestion.
Yes, look in /lib/modules where you will find a 1.7 GB entry per kernel that can also be removed when not being used anymore. Also you have the actual three kernel files in /boot, but they don’t add to all that much space used, but I still remove them. So, you can remove the kernel source from ~/kernel/kernel-version (about 7 GB each), /lib/module/kernel-version (about 1.7 GB each & /boot/initrd-version, System.map-version & vmlunuz-version (total of only 21 MB). Finally, I edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to remove the old kernel entry.
Now i did compile the 3.1.6. And I did with care choose to compile the ACPI part and opted to compile several options not as a module (especially PCI and SATA) but forced to load them. After the compilation I have to belief that a) either kpowersave of KDE3 has now a malfunction or …it will take a long time to find out the battery duration. The duration with the last kernel went up to 6.5 h from 4.30. Now with this one it goes on 7.30 h and when switching off WLAN manually and optimizing consumption with powertop…the system now showed in the mean a 9:30 h and if really idle and only pdf reading is used…10.30 h.
I would rather like to try, but 10.30 are a long time to wait for the battery to go down. If this are the advances then this leaves high hopes for me for the future.