I have a dual boot debian-squeeze and opensuse-11.4 sharing /home on a 32-bit zenith-india oem netbook. Debian was installed last
so that the booting screen was debian’s. opensuse posted a upgrade notice for a number of packages including kernel-default. I chose
upgrade-all and after the installation was complete I was asked to reboot. When I did that opensuse option was on the screen, all right, but
choosing it gave an error that the kernel has to be mounted first. The Failsafe option was working though with a black screnn. I could get
the xwindow after $su root- password and then running #startx . But I want the regular non-Failsafe choice. Can that be attained?
Thanks for help.
Prasanta Rudra.
Instead of using failsafe, why not try typing in the kernel load option nomodeset just before you press enter on the standard openSUSE startup and see if that helps. Also, instead of logging in as root and using startx, try using sudo /sbin/init 5 instead.
Thank You,
I assume Debian is using Grub 2
In Debian run grub-config that should get thing back right.
Right, debian-squeeze uses grub2. I checked /etc/grub.d/30_otheros file and found that the version-id of kernel-default had some numbers and alphabets afterwards which differed from those of the upgraded kernel-default. I ran #update-grub but it was of no avail.
I have now decided to make a new installation but of opensuse-12.1.
If I want to retain the debian bootloader as the default where shall I write the opensuse boot, mbr or / ?
Thanks for help.
Prasanta Rudra.
Write grub to / (root)
But afterwards, if debian bootloader isn’t there, use SuperGrubDisk to boot your debian install and run: sudo update-grub