I have a laptop acer with Suse 11.2
Everything was working ok, until today. I updated virtualbox, and then one of the repositories failed with an empty link, and cannot continue to update. After that, none of my icons or programs worked :’(
Then Suse hangs and I had to reboot, after few seconds during boot I’ve got the message:
kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init
Even the failsafe shows the same message.
Currently I’m at work, so I have to continue tonight at home.
Anyone here with ideas or possible solutions.
Also I’m planing to update to 11.3. I’m just wondering if that may help.
since you say you are getting the same even when you boot failsafe, i
not sure, but maybe all of the problems you had are the result of the
same hardware fault, i suspect RAM may be kinda iffy or maybe there
is a bad connection somewhere (have you dropped the machine lately),
so unless someone else offers something else to try do this:
boot from your 11.2 install disk (or the 11.3 disk, any openSUSE disk)
and run the Memory Test over night…most folks say let it run for at
least 12 hours… (running it twice, for six hours each is not the same)
any error is too many…you could boot a live CD and see if it runs
great (if so it is probably not a RAM problem)…
or, maybe your hard drive is going bad…OR, maybe it is just
scrambled software…you could restore from your last full backup and
as for you question about 11.3 fixing it: if it is a RAM, hard disk or
other hardware problem then 11.3 won’t help…if you scrambled your
software without a hardware problem then you need to figure out what
happened… did you install anything from any openSUSE repo with
“factory” in its name?
On 2011-01-07 21:06, catbus wrote:
> Greetings.
> I have a laptop acer with Suse 11.2
> Everything was working ok, until today. I updated virtualbox, and then
> one of the repositories failed with an empty link, and cannot continue
> to update. After that, none of my icons or programs worked :’(
What were you updating? What repos are you using? Details, please.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.2 x86_64 “Emerald” GM (Minas Tirith))
Well I did the memory test last night and suse didn’t find anything. So, really I didn’t know how to resolve this and there is few information on the internet about this error message.
The update of the virtualbox was the problem, because was the only thing I was doing before the problem, and the empty link came on, then the error message that cannot continue the update because an “empty link”, so I had to abort. Very weird.
So this morning I put the Suse 11.3 disk and I did the update, after 30 minutes I login and everything came again, icons, theme, superkaramba. Everything works lol!
Really I’m not sure why and update of virtualbox cuased this mess. The repositories were from virtualbox.
I think virtualbox messed the kernel at some point, some updates remove some files, then replace them with new ones, and I guess the empty link stopped the process and the kernel became unstable, just that little part.
Thanks again for your help DenverD and robin_listas.
In order to resolve kernel panic mac errors you have assure that you have installed sufficient RAM memory in your computer, As well as in other cases you may have to remove all unnecessary, incompatible, corrupted add-ins or third party application. These all will really helps you to solve kernel panic mac errors and you get error free Mac system.