Kernel Module


I installed openSUSE 11.2 on virtualbox. My host is windows 7. I tried to install the guest additions, but i get an error saying

Building VirtualBox Guest Additions Kernel Modules...Failed
(Your system does not seem to be set up to build kernel modules)

How should i go about to let my system build kernel modules?

Thanks in advance,

Go to YaSTs software-management and install the “Linux Kernel Development”-pattern. I suppose that should give you all the needed tools to let your system build kernel modules.

Thanks, that worked.

However i am trying to mount my shared folder called vbox.

is use the following code as superuser

mount -t vboxsf vbox /home/user/Desktop/share

When i go to the foler share it reads an error

could not enter folder /home/user/Desktop/share

I have installed guest additions, so i don’t know why this is happening, do you know.

Thanks again,

Have you created the folder /home/yourusername/Desktop/share?

And an easyer way to get it mounted at every boot and with read-write access for your user is to put the following line into /etc/fstab:

vbox /home/yourusername/Desktop/share vboxsf rw,gid=100,uid=1000,auto 0 0

where uid=1000 may differ in your case, you can use yast to check it, but most likely it will be 1000 for a standard install.

it still does the cannot open folder


Have you added yourself to the group vboxusers?

Please post output of:

ls -ld /home/YOURUSERNAMEHERE/Desktop/share

He’s running it the other way Windows host and Linux guest, I suppose an ordinary user account in Windows should do.

vader95 maybe you should look in the VirtualBox-forum there’s a section for VirtualBox on Windows hosts there:

VirtualBox on Windows Hosts

I am an administrator on windows, i will look at the vbox forums,
