Kernel-module forn nvidia drivers

I tried to install in the hard way nvidia drivers.
My so is 11.2 64bit and my gui is geforce 8500 gt.
I found this error:

unable to build kernel module.
I continued with the installation mode.
So now in system->configuration-> i can find nvidiasettings
But my resolution isn’t above 640*400.
Someone can help me? Thx

Remove that driver, use the installer
NVIDIA-Linux-(processor_type)-(Driver_version) --uninstall

Add the Nvidia repo Additional Package Repositories - openSUSE
to yast and install the 190.42.xx driver from yast or manualy via rpm (depending if U have a 32 or 64 bit pc)
for 64 bit get the files from:

for 64 bit pc’s install: x11-video-x11-video-nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-default-190.42_2.6.31.5_0.1-8.2.x86_64.rpm
download these files, open a terminal as root and type:
$rpm -Uvf x11-video-x11-video-nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-default-190.42_2.6.31.5_0.1-8.2.x86_64.rpm nvidiaG02-190.42-9.1.x86_64.rpm

then start sax2 and edit your system settings.
the 173 driver is for MX cards and the 96 for GeForce2/3/4

any how you better read NVIDIA — openSUSE

Replier sounds like “right on”.

The bottom link is the best one to start a reinstallation from. I’ve reposted it here with a grammar correction for clarity.

NVIDIA & openSUSE: The easy way to get NVIDIA

I forgot to say about three days ago i try to modify manually resolution in the section “screen” of xorg.conf manually.
But never. At nvidia -settings ever appeared two display “acer” and GPU-0". with gpu0 fpr default (640400).
Since that day nothing changed. So i decided to write to you because i thought to reinstall drivers without the error of “build kernel”.
This morning i wanted to try your method but boot menu does t appear. I remembered position of windows, suse and failsafe, so i could move with directional touch on suse without see nothing. Infact after a bit, login menu appeared.
I don t know why, but now resolution is 1024
768. What s happened?
Why one day i don t see boot menu, another one i see 600400, now 1024768?

I’m crazying. Sometimes boot menu appears. Why? Is my pc crazy?

I tried like you say but:
1)when i uninstall it says me there aren t drivers completely installed

2)i found(without x11-video-x11-video-):

3)i wrote only “sax2” and configured my monitor becase there was vesa. Is it right?

I reboot.
Now,I don t know if now it all correct.
Boot loader continues to not appear.

…and resolution is 640*400 aftera period in which it may be all right :frowning: :frowning:
In nvidia setting theare are now 2 screen as at begin…

I use _64 and a 8500GT
Works perfectly from the repos. All I did was add the repo, never even had to check to install the driver, updates did it all for me. Flawlessly executed - a massive improvement. 11.2 is so good. Dam it’s good:good:

Good for you :slight_smile:

So it is.
But I was trying to encourage you not to give up:|

ok, but i don t know why sometimes it is all correct, and sometimes i ve 640*400. There is some conflict…

If i write here my xorg.conf, can someone help me to correct it?

You would probably be better to rename xorg.conf

su terminal

mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak

Then reboot to level3 and run sax2 again or re-install the nvidia driver
Did you try a different version of the driver?

Boot to Level 3, then Yast and More… - openSUSE Forums

Do yuo suggest to remove all nvidia drivers and retry? If yes, by what method?

If they were manually installed, when you re-install it’s the same as deleting - otherwise remove via Yast and the repo too