Kernel .config changes in Suse?


can anyone tell me the logic behind
how the Suse kernel .config is created?
My problem is that I had a working 11.1
system with the default pae kernel, thus
usbcore was present as a kernel module
I have a few usbcore patches that needs
to be added to the system to make certain
devices fully work.

After upgrade to 11.2 I’ve surprised to see
that the usbcore is gone, it is compiled
in (CONFIG_USB=y).

So can anyone tell me the reasons behind
changes like this?
(Currently I have to get rid of the
standard “default” 11.2 kernel and have to
change usbcore back to a karnel module).

I don’t think anyone here on the forum can tell you the reasons and decisions made to built in the usbcore. You’d have to ask the kernel SUSE packagers/maintainers, either Jeff Mahoney or Greg Kroah-Hartmann, why they did so. I suspect it may have something to do with being able to install on USB Flash disks but then again this is just a silly suspecion on my part and I have no facts to back it up… You can also ask at Novell’s bugzilla

Thanks for the hints, I’ll do that!