In an attempt to copy the OpenSUSE Live CD in memory, it results in segmentation faults which suggests to me that either the incorrect parameter is being passed or it is not a feature supported by OpenSUSE. The parameter toram is passed as a boot option.
Similar to Knoppix, what is the correct parameter to pass at boot? The post from 2016 signals that toram is the correct parameter.
AFAIK, it needs a special patch and rebuild with kiwi. Perhaps followup with the Lizards user and see if it can be re-created, else look at using kiwi yourself or Studio Express to create your own?
Thanks malcolmlewis. I wasn’t aware that it isn’t a supported feature in the base build. In searching online, there wasn’t an immediate reference that touched on the topic.
What other options are there to achieve a similar outcome?
The only cmdline parameters I know supported other than those in kernel-parameters.txt are those on Linuxrc and modedb.txt. AFAIK, unsupported cmdline parameters are simply ignored - no error messages expected.