Kernel 3.0 in Tumbleweed ?

As you all know (or will know from this link: Linux kernel 3.0 released - The H Open Source: News and Features ) kernel 3.0 was released. Any chance we see him in Tumbleweed? :slight_smile:
At this address Index of /repositories/Kernel:/HEAD/standard i see that kernel 3.0rc7 is present… so how about it you Tumbleweed dev`s :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been running with a 3.0 kernel for weeks from Kernel:HEAD, if you want 3.0 in a rush, I suggest you do the same until 3.0 makes Kernel:stable repo and is deemed “stable”
enough to update Tumblweed users. It’s probably a good idea to hold off a little while, to avoid churn as post-release there’s always a flurry of new bugs to patch.

Been some recent kernel issues in Factory, so I wouldn’t complain if a little caution & responsibility to Tumbleweed users is shown. That said I doubt we’ll have to wait too long.

Cool is in Kernel:Head already :slight_smile:
Yes i suppose the wait will not be too long until it gets in to Tumbleweed

Well, it’s here!

They also updated some pacakges to support it!
If you’ve been following threads you’ll see laptop-mode-tools was one caught by cookie, as result of trying upgrade to 3.0.

Yes, that’s a big update.
But I have to wait with it, until realtek 8168 driver is updated too :slight_smile:
It says there’s more than 200MB of new packages to download :smiley:

I have it updated. Can see no problems. Video, sound, usb - all perfect. :slight_smile:

Yes sobrus is here; just updated to it this very day and all things are ok :slight_smile:

No wireless after upgrading to linux kernel 3.0 in opensuse 11.4. I’m using Kde and gnome 3, everything was working fine under the 2.6.39 kernel, but now both only deteks my wired connection. Any help resolving this would be greatly appreciated.

I lost wireless with the version 3 kernel.

Turned out to be my broadcom driver.

Removed the broadcom driver and removed and re-detected wifi and wifi came back, although I lost the wifi light functionality.

Are you using the broadcom wl driver?

After the morning updates that Tumbleweed offered me, i have seen that i have a new kernel version:
Linux creation 3.0.1-40-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 5 20:05:41 UTC 2011 (191d3db) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux :smiley:
Now all that remains is to see KDE 4.7 in Tumbleweed as well.

No my adapter is the Netgear WNDA3100 that uses the artheros 9100 series driver. As i said it was working fine before the kernel upgrade. It also is no longer being detected after my fedora kernel was updated, but it still works under my Mint 11 with the kernel.


Ladies and Lizards kernel 3.0.3-41 is in Tumbleweed
Check your drivers maybe something good has happened :smiley:

I did this and still no detected wireless.

To get Broadcom WiFi working with version 3 kernels you need to use the Broadcom drivers from Packman Tumbleweed - there are drivers there compiled to match the version 3 kernels.

Index of /suse/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/

My adapter uses the atheros 9k drivers which was remove from the 3.0 kernel. I’ve tried three different Distro’s with the new kernel and they’re all the same. does not detech my adapter only the wired connection. The carl9170 drivers supposedly replace the ath 9k drivers, but the firmware is needed. I was able to find and download the necessary firmware, but i have no idea how to install it so that the kernel would recognize it.

Detail steps on installing firmware would be appreciated.

One solution is to manually compile the new kernel using as base the last kernel that worked for you :slight_smile:

Kernel 3.0.7-45-desktop is here, one step closer to 3.1.
My hardware is getting better i guess, because more buttons of my remote from the tv tuner Winfast pvr2000 Xp Expert are working. Untill now i had only volume and number form 1 to 0, now Ch+ and Ch- are working too. :slight_smile: