When the systen is running there is a program/utility/kernel-driver ???
in system monitor all the following programs are a child process of kthreadd
Is kthreadd part of elevator=cfq ???
and can kthreadd be influenced by params
kthreads uses no cpu time memory or shared memory
so it must be in kernel
is there any documentation on this subject ???
System 11.3 on quad processor 8 gb mem nvidia-card and driver
On 08/13/2010 06:36 PM, susegebr wrote:
> When the systen is running there is a program/utility/kernel-driver
> ???
> kthreadd
> in system monitor all the following programs are a child process of
> kthreadd
> Is kthreadd part of elevator=cfq ???
> and can kthreadd be influenced by params
> kthreads uses no cpu time memory or shared memory
> so it must be in kernel
> is there any documentation on this subject ???
> System 11.3 on quad processor 8 gb mem nvidia-card and driver
The process named kthreadd is the kernel thread daemon. Many parts of the kernel
use kernel threads to perform work that is not critical and this daemon starts
them from its queue. Yes, it is a part of the kernel. For documentation, do a
Google search for “Linux kernel threads”.
lwfinger hello
thanks for telling me what kthreadd is
A second questions can i disable it in System Monitor kde 4.5.00 khreadd and its child processes
I only use System Monitor to see whats running if 1 of the cpu’s go’s high over 70 or so
then i can kill a process whats causing it
kthreadd and it child processes may not be killed because they all are for the 4 cpu’s
On 08/14/2010 06:06 PM, susegebr wrote:
> lwfinger hello
> thanks for telling me what kthreadd is
> A second questions can i disable it in System Monitor kde 4.5.00
> khreadd and its child processes
> I only use System Monitor to see whats running if 1 of the cpu’s go’s
> high over 70 or so
> then i can kill a process whats causing it
> kthreadd and it child processes may not be killed because they all are
> for the 4 cpu’s
If you want Linux to run, you need kthreadd. The only way to get rid of it is to
turn the computer off.
What is the problem? I do not remember seeing a description of trouble.