Is there any way to keep your system clean of old unused files, old keys, temporary files of kde, firefox etc.?
The last time my "/"drive got pretty full because of some applications I couldn’t make out.
Since I formatted all my drives and put the suse11.1 with kde4.1 on it, I’d like a way to prevent that from happening again!
I would really appreciate some useful input, thanks!
I’m using BleachBit for a while now. Cleans lots of things like caches, temp files etc…
Maybe it’s not what you’ll expect from it, but you should give it a try!
> I would really appreciate some useful input, thanks!
you won’t like this probably but, here goes anyway:
to keep out the unwanted stuff, don’t install everything that comes
along that sounds neat…i mean, think about what you need and
install that stuff. only… neat is only neat if you need/use it,
otherwise in some days, weeks, months it just becomes “old unused files”
disk space is really inexpensive–BUY MORE, then whatever you do
install, just leave it even if you don’t like it…(because removing
programs is always harder than adding–which is why i try to
follow #1, above) and an abandoned file on a half empty hard disk is
nothing to worry about…there is no sense in applying the Puritan
idea of “clean” to this situation…
ymmv–if you don’t like my thoughts on it, ignore them…
but, brush your teeth anyway!
seeding 11.2 DVD (64) and GNOME Live CD (32 & 64)