Does anyone know how to compile this application? Why not in the official repos or packman?
Thank you.
Does anyone know how to compile this application? Why not in the official repos or packman?
Thank you.
open software.opensuse.org:
click at “Show unstable packages” and choose from a dozen of repositories:)
GNOME 3.6.2
openSUSE Release 12.3 (Dartmouth) 64-bit
Kernel Linux 3.7.10-1.16-desktop
It’s quite simple to compile keepassx on opensuse. First of all you need to install the dependencies:
zypper install make gcc kernel-devel libqt4-devel
tar xfv keepassx-0.4.3.tar.gz
cd keepassx-0.4.3
nano src/lib/random.cpp
(add “#include <unistd.h>” in the header without quotes)
make install
User is asking for version 0.43. That repo provides version 2.0. Big difference.
OP, you can find it on the build service easily as mentioned above. We absolutely rely on 0.43 and I managed to find a package.
All that as user, but on the last line
sudo make install
Thanks, that’s a better way than using compilations in obscure repositories and hey, that’s what free software is about.
Instructions from inside the package located here [openSUSE Software]:
Installation instructions for *nix:
- qmake-qt4 / qmake
You have to use qmake of Qt >= 4.3.0, depending on your distro it is called qmake or qmake-qt4.
By default KeePassX is installed to /usr, you can change that by adding PREFIX=[PATH] to the qmake command.
You can also add DEBUG=1 to build KeePassX with debug symbols.- make
- make install
Thats a possible reason why win users despair albeit they are willing to migrate to *nix.
Is there no unpack necessary? Which directory should be used?
I did a lot of investigations to find out, qmake is part of Qt and is a developement framework.
Is it really necessary to install a developement environment only for the use of a
“small” but important program, when I otherwise not use developement at all?
Well that package is apparently not in the normal supported repos probably because openSUSE uses another program for that function. So since a compiled package is not available you have to compile it and to compile it you need the tools to compile it and also any libraries needed. Normally most things can be simply installed without compileing anything. But there are exceptions and to be honest anyone that wants keepassx instead of the built in package (kwallet in KDE) is asking to change a fairly complex part of the OS/desktop environment. In Linux it can be done and you are welcome to do it, but you have to have the knowledge. Try doing that in Windows without some knowledge and you run into even more problems.
So to answer your question Linux is not Windows. The average user has no need or even knows about this stuff and can happily install all sorts of things easier then in windows since in general you don’t even have to agree to a license and most programs can be found in the repositories.
Why do I want keepassx?
I tried repeatedly to use Linux (up from Suse Version 9.2). There was always anything that kept me away to convert to Linux alone.
Over all the time I collected hundreds of accounts with their user/passwords. First of all I used in Win PWSafe and later on keepassx therefore.
Keepassx because I got a tablet with keepassx as “portable linux apps” on it.
So, I could use my database on both platforms without retyping all the data.
Now the time has come where I’m willing to migrate irrepealable to Linux (since WIN 8).
But afaik is KWallet not a cross platform program - isn’t it?
That’s the reason why I want to use keepassx except KWallet is able to migrate from keepassx DB, but I dont know it.
Furthermore I can’t migrate all the family’s PCs at once and I need a master DB to synchronise over the platforms.
In Linux it can be done and you are welcome to do it, but you have to have the knowledge. Try doing that in Windows without some knowledge and you run into even more problems.
In Win there was never the need to compile a program to use it. The disadvantage is well known (Virus etc.).
This is a real benefit from Linux.
Although I’m no longer sure about that since the latest revelations.:sarcastic:
Hi and welcome to the forum
So we use OBS for all our building of rpms these days, many home repositories are staging areas before pushing a package to a 'devel’opment project for perhaps further pushing into the distribution…
In this case I would suggest using use Lazy_Kent’s repository, why? Well the person is known within openSUSE as an active contributor both here in the forum as a Moderator <https://forums.opensuse.org/showgroups.php> and a quick check on the email address shows distribution contributions;
rpm -qa --changelog |grep "lazy.kent@opensuse.org" |wc -l16
From above, the user has been active with it since 2009, so has some vested interest in it…
If still not happy, then suggest either build your own copy on OBS, rather than locally (well you can use osc for that…).
Thank you so much. I’m going to try this. [QUOTE=malcolmlewis;2605578]Hi and welcome to the forum So we use OBS for all our building of rpms these days, many home repositories are staging areas before pushing a package to a 'devel’opment project for perhaps further pushing into the distribution…
I have to familiarize myself step by step with such terms like OBS. According to guugle it could be "Open Broadcaster software". Is it?
On 2013-12-14 14:46, boogiewoogie wrote:
> I have to familiarize myself step by step with such terms like OBS.
> According to guugle it could be “Open Broadcaster software”. Is it?
No. Open Build Service.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 12.3 x86_64 “Dartmouth” at Telcontar)
On Sat 14 Dec 2013 01:46:01 PM CST, boogiewoogie wrote:
Thank you so much. I’m going to try this. malcolmlewis;2605578 Wrote:
> Hi and welcome to the forumSo we use OBS for all our building of
> rpms these days, many home repositories are staging areas before
> pushing a package to a 'devel’opment project for perhaps further
> pushing into the distribution…I have to familiarize myself step by step with such terms like OBS.
According to guugle it could be “Open Broadcaster software”. Is it?
It’s the Open Build Service for openSUSE and other distributions to
Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLED 11 SP3 (x86_64) GNOME 2.28.0 Kernel 3.0.101-0.8-default
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Thanks for thepointer to the repo, I’m setting up a work PC and have to share a keepass db with a ubuntu box that only has 0.4.3
Plus I really dislike the way the 2.0 Alpha works.