Hi all,
I’m somewhat lost in space between kdewallet, kleopatra, and Kgpg…
Kgpg shows my own keys plus pgp keys from people I know/trust. kleopatra shows my own keys (only). kdewallet shows my stored passwords for kde/plasma etc. apps.
Whyever this now happens, but: Yesterday I’ve created a new pgp key pair, certified it by Governikus via the German nPA, and published the signed pub key to the public key servers.
Set exp. date for the previous, very old pgp key (“certified” by German “c’t Cryptpokampagne” long ago :)), created a revocation certificate and uploaded this also to the public key servers.
NOW my kdewallet complains (error 53, see screenshot) “encryption errror”, I’ve used this pgp key to encrypt the wallet, also long ago.
Screenshot: https://paste.opensuse.org/51295975
Any hints how to get rid of this error, shown always after reboot / plasma login?
I can see all my passwords etc. in kdewallet, so decryption works.