KDENLIVE - Export stays at 0%

I am using KDENLIVE under OpenSUSE 11 and experiencing problems exporting my project to a video file.

When KDENLIVE is executed as a usual user the export appears to complete in a flash and no video is output to a file.

When KDENLIVE is executed as root the export starts at 0% and remains there forever. No video is output to a file.

I have also tried exporting a script and then running the script, but this has the same effect.

Has anyone seen this problem?

I believe I have all the required dependancies as per the KDENLIVE website.

Grateful for any help anyone can provide as I love the simplicity and flexibility of this application. :slight_smile:

What export settings do you have applied?

I find some of the kdenlive output settings provide no output. One needs to apply settings that work.

I have virtually tried all the setting, High and Low quality. The only thing that works is eporting a single frame as an image.

I believe there is no output due to the export not moving from 0% (e.g. the code is stuck in a loop or waiting on a response from a function or application).

I have seen that someone had this issue on Ubuntu, but their solution was simple and did not resolve my issue under OpenSUSE.

Do you have export settings that you can recommend? :’(


Its possible this is a problem associated with an ffmpeg or other dependency update (there were a number of them recently, since I last used kdenlive). I’m rolling back some versions now to see if I can track this down.

Further to this, I had not used kdenlive for a couple of months. And there have been some sox, mlt, and libffmpeg (and dependency updates) since I last used it.

I was able to replicate the problem you noted on both my openSUSE-11.0 test PC, and also on my openSUSE-10.3 main PC.

So on the assumption that this might be related to libffmpeg, I started rolling back libffmpeg …

I started with:

which has the problem you note.

rolled back to
libpostproc51 libavutil49 libavcodec52 libavdevice52 libswscale0 ffmpeg
which still has the problem.

I rolled back to
libpostproc51 libavutil49 libavcodec52 libavdevice52 libswscale0 ffmpeg
which still has the problem.

I then rolled back to
which still has the problem.

I then rolled back to

and kdenlive simply crashed upon startup. I noted the error:
mlt_repository.c, mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/mlt/libmltavformat.so
KCrash: Application ‘kdenlive’ crashing… and so I checked mlt and noted there was an update there, … so a downgrade of mlt was needed to be consistent.

So I rolled back to

and kdelive works. …

I don’t know precisely where the problem lies, but the 29-July version clearly works, and I think there is enough information here to contact the kdenlive packager and ask they look into this.

I’ll send him an email.

So it’s a bug in the packages and not my inexperience! Whoo hoo.

Thanks for your great efforts, I will try this out let you know if I have success.

As I am relatively new to Linux (3 Months), can you tell me the best way to roll back? Do I simply download the the RPM Versions you specified from an online RPM site/repository or is there away in YAST to specify the version(s) I require?

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately in openSUSE, rolling back a Packman packaged rpm version is a “pain” , because the packagers do NOT keep the older versions on the Packman servers (nor on any server that I know of).

In my case, for my main PC (which is my openSUSE-10.3 PC) I have set a flag in my package manager to keep a copy on my hard drive of every rpm that I install. But even then, because of dependency issues, rolling back can be trickly if one tries it via the rpm command (which is what I often do - shows my old age :slight_smile: ). What would be best would be to add one’s archive directory (where the older versions of the applications are kept) as a mini-repository, and then the software package manager would sort the dependencies automatically when rolling back.

Most users do not bother keeping older rpms versions, but rather they rely on the efforts of the packagers to fix such problems. I have been very impressed with the efforts of the Packman packagers, and I am reasonably confident that if this is a packaging problem, then they will come with a fix reasonably soon to kdenlive.

I figured out the rolling back, i downloaded the relevant packages and created a repository that pointed at the folder.

The only package I cannot source on the Internet is the mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.1 package. Is there any way you can provide this to me via email or temporary ftp site? I would be very grateful. :wink:


Well done!

Note I am using openSUSE-10.3 (as opposed to 11.0). I have 11.0 run on a test PC (and also 11.1 on same test PC) but my main PC, where I keep ALL my backups is running on 10.3 (and not 11.0). Hence I do not have mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.1 for 11.0.

However … there is an alternative :slight_smile:

The packager updated kdenlive, noting:

I uploaded new mlt, mlt++ and kdenlive packages. All are linked against the newest ffmpeg-stuff.

you could also check which programs need the libavcodec-* in old versions,
perhaps this is the problem…
rpm -q --requires <package-name>

the 0.7alpha won’t build on 10.3 … needs kde4.
and then he goes on to explain complications wrt updating 0.7alpha and the need to maintain compatibility with other packages.

Hence, as opposed to rolling back on openSUSE-11.0, can you instead update kdenlive to kdenlive-0.6.0-2192.pm.svn20080520_1 and also update and mlt++ to mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.3 and mlt+±0.3.0-0.pm.2 .

I’ll do the same, and we can compare notes as to how it works.

I’m somewhat overloaded now (unpacking with my wife after a move to a new apartment) so my replies may be a bit tardy.

Good luck.


Thanks for the update. Hope the unpacking is going well! :wink:

I updated all my dependancies for KDENLIVE back to their latest. I updated KDENLIVE, MLT and ML++ to the version you listed, but this still does not resolve the problem under OpenSUSE 11. Did this work for you on 10.3?


I experienced the same on openSUSE-11.0 (on my test PC) in that it does not resolve the problem.

I confess I have not tested it yet. Possibly tonight or tomorrow night. I have to pull out my notes, and ensure I have “all my ducks in order”, so if after trying the new updates, my 10.3 kdenlive is broken, that I can roll back again. The packager also wants me to test this.

Although I went through a couple of months without using kdenlive, typically I use it quite often (as I have a number of unfinished projects (video creation) where kdenlive is my main application). Hence I like to be cautious when changing from a functional kdenlive, but I am motivated to track this being fixed.

I did a search for mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.1 and I don’t think it has ever existed for openSUSE-11.0 ? For example, I used the rpm.pbone.net search engine:
RPM Search

One possibility is to roll back as far as you can, and then rebuild mlt from the openSUSE-10.3 source (of the earlier build), but I confess I am not convinced that will work either, nor do I know where one can find that source rpm (assuming it is different from the current, which it may not be).

Yes, seems that this will possibly be an impossible mission! :\

I have installed an additional 20GB drive and loaded OpenSUSE 10.3 on it with the intention of getting my KDENLive up and running (with the dependancies you listed earlier) so that I can finish my project.

However, it is my ultimate goal to get it working on OpenSUSE 11.0 so I will check back here on a regular basis and also post any successes that I have (he hopes that he will have some).

My job tonight is to sort out the GRUB as it is booting 10.3 by default even though I selected 11.0. Human error no doubt. :shame:

Thanks for your help so far!

That should take you all of 2 minutes. :slight_smile:

YaST > System > Boot Loader > select/higlight the label/partition you wish to be the default boot, then select “Set as Default” and press finish.

Thats all there is to that.

I haven’t had any luck getting KDENLIVE to export on OpenSUSE 10.3 or 11.0 :frowning:

I guess I’ll have to wait until it is fixed properly in the package.

I have also tried to install and run PITIVI, but get the followinf error:

linux-zyhs:/home/jamesceri # pitivi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/pitivi”, line 113, in <module>
File “/usr/bin/pitivi”, line 105, in _run_pitivi
File “/usr/lib/pitivi/python/pitivi/pitivi.py”, line 217, in main
ptv = Pitivi(argv)
File “/usr/lib/pitivi/python/pitivi/pitivi.py”, line 137, in init
self.gui = mainwindow.PitiviMainWindow()
File “/usr/lib/pitivi/python/pitivi/ui/mainwindow.py”, line 100, in init
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.py”, line 217, in new
File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/_dbus.py”, line 106, in new
bus = BusConnection.new(subclass, bus_type, mainloop=mainloop)
File “/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/dbus/bus.py”, line 125, in new
bus = cls._new_for_bus(address_or_type, mainloop=mainloop)
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeoutexpired, or the network connection was broken.

It works fine on 10.3 for me.

What applications are you using? As I noted above, the following work for me:

You also have to use the old kdenlive (and not the newer one). For example, I use: kdenlive-0.6.0-2192.pm.svn20080520

The main problem is that I cannot locate the version of MLT you state that you are using.

I have not used OpenSUSE 10.3 before so therefore I don’t have a back-catalogue of RPMS. Prior to OpenSUSE 11.0 I was using Fedora 9, but had problems getting my 1394 to work.

I am really happy with OpenSUSE 11.0 and have so far got heaps of apps to work (even my Hauppauge DVB-T stick is up and running), but just have grief with KDENLIVE. I would really love to get this working as it is a simple but powerful app.

Do you have the RPM for the MLT version you specify and which MLT++ should be used if any?

Cheers :wink:

This mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.1.i586 file is for 10.3, and NOT for 11.0:
mlt-0.3.0-0.pm.1.i586.rpm – FileFactory.com - free file hosting –

Thanks for that. :slight_smile:

I shall give it a go on my 10.3 and let you know if I have success.


Any success ?