kdeLIRC error: The Infrared Remote Control software is not currently running

Hallo Everybody!

I need help to get my Win MCE remote to work.
If I try to start kdeLIRC get this message:

The Infrared Remote Control software is not currently running. This configuration module will not work properly without it. Would you like to start it now?

Then the below error.

There are currently no remote controls available. You must first set up LIRC correctly.

Everything is grayed out in the window.

I am a new to lirc, however I red the whole documentation and still can not find out what I am missing.

I installed the LIRC ( 0.8.5-4.1 ) from the OSS repo.

Tested with:
mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
The driver seems to work.

I was able Created my own lircd.conf file. Copied it to /etc/lirc/

I can start lircd and irw as a root only.
lirc gives no EM just is just running at the background. But:

linux-8j1v:/ # irw /dev/lirc0 
connect: Connection refused

Please help because I freek out because of this. How come that kdelirc is a KDE 4 standard software and lirc does not work out of the box in openSUSE??

Anyone using remotes with openSUSE?

This is my lircd.conf

# Please make this file available to others
# by sending it to <lirc@bartelmus.de>
# this config file was automatically generated
# using lirc-0.8.5(default) on Fri May 28 01:15:08 2010
# contributed by 
# brand:                       test.conf
# model no. of remote control: 
# devices being controlled by this remote:

begin remote

  name  mce_kdell
  bits           13
  eps            30
  aeps          100

  header       2686   845
  one           452   433
  zero          452   433
  pre_data_bits   24
  pre_data       0x1BFF83
  gap          106008
  toggle_bit_mask 0x8000
  rc6_mask    0x100000000

      begin codes
          key_power                0x1BF3
          key_stop                 0x1BE6
          key_record               0x1BE8
          key_pause                0x1BE7
          key_play                 0x1BE9
          key_rewind               0x1BEA
          key_forward              0x1BEB
          key_again                0x1BE4
          key_next                 0x1BE5
          key_back                 0x1BDC
          key_up                   0x1BE1
          key_left                 0x1BDF
          key_right                0x1BDE
          key_down                 0x1BE0
          key_ok                   0x1BDD
          key_volumeup             0x1BEF
          key_volumedown           0x1BEE
          key_home                 0x1BF2
          key_channelup            0x1BED
          key_channeldown          0x1BEC
          key_mute                 0x1BF1
          key_tv2                  0x1BB7
          key_program              0x1BD9
          key_tv                   0x1BDA
          key_dvd                  0x1BDB
          key_1                    0x1BFE
          key_2                    0x1BFD
          key_3                    0x1BFC
          key_4                    0x1BFB
          key_5                    0x1BFA
          key_6                    0x1BF9
          key_7                    0x1BF8
          key_8                    0x1BF7
          key_9                    0x1BF6
          key_0                    0x1BFF
          key_a                    0x1BE2
          key_b                    0x1BE3
          key_clear                0x1BF5
          key_enter                0x1BF4
      end codes

end remote

Does anyone have an idea where could I shoot my question? I am a bit desperate :frowning:

I love my suse, dont want to change distro because of such :frowning:

If I run lircd as a root:

bigb@linux-8j1v:~> irw
(does nothing)

I added a .lircrc file to my ~

# .lircrc - MPLAYER sample test
    prog = irexec
    remote = mce_kdell
    button = key_a
    config = tvtime-command TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN
    repeat = 0

bigb@linux-8j1v:~> irexec
(notghing happens)