KDE4.3 Beta 2 - Just Updated - How is yours?

Just rename it .kde4_old
But you need to do it from out of X or from Gnome would work.
CLI method:

mv /home/username*/.kde4 .kde4_old

Well i backuped the stuff i needed and deleted .kde4. Now everything is fine. Unziped the stuff and it’s ok. Now i can enjoy the KDE 4.3. Thanks for the help guys;)

Well done. Thanks for letting us know.:wink:

I found out it was a kde problem. I logged in as root because my /tmp folder was so full it wouldn’t allow me to login as the regular user (now have /tmp to be cleared on boot). And I found that when I restarted as root it would let me restart without reverting back to the login screen first. I then deleted my .kde and .kde4 folder (could have just renamed it, I know) and my regular user worked fine! I’m trying to recustomize everything to see if I can find the culprit, although I think it was the desktop effects that set it off.

Take Care,


Where do I set /tmp to clear on boot? Is there ANY reason to save anything in that folder?

Open Yast then Under the System category choose /etc/sysconfig Editor

Use the search function down on the bottom right and search for tmp.

It should be the first one “CLEAR_TMPS_DIRS_AT_BOOTUP”

highlight it and then choose Go To.

Set it to “yes” (without quotes) and then click Ok.

Take Care,


Thanks. I did it.

Could any of You set the background to globe and just switch between the globes and look at how much memory plasma-desktop takes??
I managed to hit 1GB memory usage (but i could more :wink: )

P.S. Already reported

Yup, I was correct. With my current setup (Intel 945GM) when I enable Desktop Effects, it inhibits my ability to shutdown or restart without having the login screen come up first and then having to shutdown and restart from the login screen. I’m guessing this is just an 11.2 MS2 issue since I haven’t seen anyone else using KDE 4.3 Beta 2 complaining with the older systems. I’m going to report it in the 11.2 MS2 thread as well. Not sure what else to check to get to the exact root problem of it because I had limited desktop effects enabled.

Take Care,


I can shutdown/restart normally using Nvidia proprietary drivers and KDE 4.3 Beta 2.

Have You tried shutting down/restarting with a new user?

I did with the root user, which allowed me to shutdown and restart properly since desktop effects weren’t enabled for root user. I disabled desktop effects on my regular user account and sure enough I could shutdown and restart without having the login screen come up first. I’m going to test if it’s just desktop effects or just a certain effect that’s doing it. I do know that with my card, when I’d enable something graphics heavy (such as the Desktop cube and cube animation) when I choose apply it gives me a black screen and then kicks me back to the login screen. I can then log in and all desktop effects work, but then I get the problem of not being able to shutdown correctly.

Any ideas of what logs I should check to see what the problem could be?

I have a intel 965GM chip here and, while effects like the cube never gave me any trouble, it seems unable to deal well with the rain and snow effects. (not that i care much, they’re worse than useless anyway.) Are you using anything like that?

No, nothing like that. As I said, I tried it with just basic effects on, no cube or cube animation or anything like that and it still won’t let me shut down correctly. Compiz-fusion works with a regular shutdown even with graphics-heavy effects enabled. I’ll do some more tests when I have time.

Take Care,


Just found out that I have no tty interfaces after trying to shutdown, where it kicks me back to the login screen. When I hit ctrl+alt+f1 I just get a black screen with a frozen cursor. I tried with ctrl+alt+f1-11 (with 7 being the gui).

Personally, I like to use this in fstab:

none                 /tmp                 tmpfs      nr_inodes=200k,mode=01777,nosuid,nodev,size=500M 0 0

It keeps /tmp in ram rather than disk.

While i agree with You then You need to watch out sometimes:)
For example K3b will save a temporary image in /tmp so in such case it would be too small. But generally it is a good solution. On my PC /tmp is not bigger than couple of MB though /var/tmp gets a lot bigger :slight_smile:

Well, I have a curious problem. I get a few kio_http processes hugging my processor at 100%. I kill these and they magically appear again sometime later. The only things that should be accessing the web are my browsers: Opera & FF; two weather plasmoids and the comic plasmoid. Konqueror is not running, nor is it set to run. I’m stuck at work now and don’t have X running on my home machine. And no, I have not logged a bug for this. Apart from that everything is mostly peachy. I say mostly because I really hate the fact that the undo button is next to the new game button on kpat. Yes, I’m addicted to Spider and I’m proud of it! ((-:

You could always set ksysguard to show the command line options with which kio_http is running.

I did and it still didn’t make sense to me. Funny thing is, it now only crops up once out of every 2 starts of X. Since it is kinda kool ova here now, I let the machine permanently and the problem has not reared its ugly head so far.

guhvies adjusted his/her AFDB on Saturday 20 Jun 2009 22:16 to write:

> BenderBendingRodriguez;2000848 Wrote:
>> You could always set ksysguard to show the command line options with
>> which kio_http is running.
> I did and it still didn’t make sense to me. Funny thing is, it now only
> crops up once out of every 2 starts of X. Since it is kinda kool ova
> here now, I let the machine permanently and the problem has not reared
> its ugly head so far.

I had the same prob yesterday when I updated and thought it was firefox but
it was not so I tried removing the plasmoids one by one and eventually found
( 99.9999% sure) that it was the CWP weather plasmoid.

Now it may also have been in the plasma configs as well as I deleted all
things plasma in ~/.kde4/share/config/ because all the plasmoids seem to
start up in the top left of the screen.

I now have all of the old plasmoids except I use YaWP and have not seen the
CPU hogging for nearly 24hrs.



Nullus in verba
Nil illegitimi carborundum