I don’t use a separate local wallet, mainly because I have never been able to work out what counts as local.
However, I have experimented. I created a new user account, and experimented there. So I ended up with “kdewallet” for default, and “localwallet” for the local items.
Thus far, everything that I have tried has gone to the default wallet. Nothing has gone to the local wallet.
When I use “ksshaskpass”, it saves to the default wallet. I cannot think of anything more local than that. What is saved, is the passphrase for the private key, which is local. When using ssh to login to a remote site, the remote site only ever sees the public key and a signature which is generated locally. The private key and its passphrase is never needed by the remote site. So if this isn’t local, it is difficult to know what would be local.
I have then used kwalletmanager to switch which wallet is local and which is default. The applications still use the wallet currently configured as the default wallet, no matter where they have previously saved data.
Except for occasional testiing, I am sticking to my practice of using only the one wallet. At least I can make sense of that.