Yes. There is F10 in katepart section that turns on word wrap for the line where the cursor is located. But it is not a toggle. You must then “unwrap” each line to remove the reformatting. Ctl-Z will undo the last changed line.
In Configure Kate=>Appearance, I had already turned Dynamic Word Wrap OFF/UNCHECKED
There is currently no way to set word wrap for document types, or even to enable or disable the feature on a per document level. This will be fixed in a future version of KatePart.
I read the referenced information. Their conclusion is not exactly true. You can turn “Dynamic Word Wrap” on and off using the sequence
View=>Word Wrap=>Dynamic Word Wrap=>Check/Uncheck
However, you must do this via the menu items and using the mouse is picky/sensitive.
It would appear that the KDE team is at least aware of the problem. My current fix is as I described above and we will have to live with it until the team decides on a solution.