KDE Stopped Adding Applications to the KDE Menu

After reinstalling openSUSE to get my other issue for spectacle fixed, I started installing programs like gimp, discord, etc. They no longer get added to categories like Graphics and Internet. Searching for them just gives “run gimp” or “run discord” instead.

I read this reddit post: Reddit - Dive into anything

and one of the responses was to use kbuildsycoca5, which doesn’t exist in openSUSE. I’d rather not have to log out and back in after every program installation.

For Plasma 6 there is kbuildsycoca6, but not sure why your applications don’t appear in the graphical menu as expected.

Yeah, running this makes them show up now. Probably will have to keep doing it after every app install.

When you find a command on the internet that ends in a 5, odds are its a Plasma command. Plasma 5 was replaced earlier this year with Plasma 6. Get the idea? :smiley:

I wouldn’t expect so. Not something I’ve ever had to do manually. Maybe others can chime in to clarify further here.

After running the command, I installed steam, and it appeared in the Games category. So for now it seems to have resolved itself after.

Isn’t there another thread with somebody reporting that an application after installation does not show in the main menu and it’s sub-menus?

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