kde servicemenu command no longer works(upgrade)

I installed Truecrypt in 11.3. It always worked great. I added a command to the kde service menu to unmount the container. Below is the file I made which always worked. All I had to do was be inside the container, right click, and choose “unmount container” from the menu, then enter the root password and presto. No longer works. I get an error now.

[Desktop Action Truecrypt]
Exec=kdesu ‘truecrypt -d /media/truecrypt1’ %F
Name=Unmount Container

[Desktop Entry]

Error I get:

Cannot execute command: ‘truecrypt -d /media/truecrypt1’ /media/truecrypt1’

I think it is because the /media/truecrypt1 is repeated!


OK, I solved this issue. I kept trying every combination of commands(to edit the kde servicemenu) to unmount the encrypted container. I had to be SU in order to do it. It looks like there was some problem with kde. I had to change the command from ‘kdesu truecrypt -d /media/truecrypt1’ %F’ to this in order to get it to ask me for the SU password and make it work: truecrypt -d

Was that simple.

I guess you mean root when you say SU.

This for those coming later here and not understanding what you say.