KDE reduced users' choices to gray and gray.

In KDE shipped with opensuse Leap 15.2, some configuration niceties have disappeared.

The worst is the disappearance of menu in Settings → Colors that allows setting of colors of themes’ window’s elements: background, title, button etc. I remember times when it was possible to set two colors, with smooth transition between them, of the title bar… Then users were allowed to set one color. Now we have dark gray for active window title and light gray for inactive title - zero choices.

But now we have emoticons for rooster, snake and ox. (Why did they miss hen? Hens are even more important than roosters.)

Also fine settings of GTK items disappeared, including font setting.

What happened to the KDE team? Are they overloaded? It doesn’t seem that much work is needed to keep those simple achievements. But they managed to kill them. Did the designer change? Management changed?

I looked in themes’ settings in folders /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-dark/ There is a file called colors there. But it does not contain titlebars’ colors.

Even Windows 10 allows change of titlebar’s color!

I wonder whether there is a way to set colors the way it was done in 15.1, even by editing configuration files.

I assume that the openSUSE users here can not answer your questions about the state the KDE developers are in.

You better ask that on the KDE forums: https://forum.kde.org/

Please take a look at this recent (Tuesday this week) explanation of how KDE functions: <https://pointieststick.com/2020/08/04/the-structure-of-kde-or-how-anarchy-sometimes-works/&gt; – “The structure of KDE, or how anarchy sometimes works” – the author is one KDE’s leading developers …


In KDE for tumbleweed settings -> Colors ==> if you hoover the current theme two icons are displayed “Edit” and “Delete”. With the edit icon you can edit the different colors for title, button, text, link etc. see
I suppose that this is the same for Leap 15.2


there is no “Hen” in the Chinese zodiac :wink:

Please read the following for an explanation about recent KDE changes concerning such GTK-things…

System Settings > Application Style, scroll down to bottom > ‘Configure GTK/Gnome Application Style…’

It still is possible, about the same as it has been, it's just not as obvious to find as it used to be.    It is in System Settings -&gt; Colors  in the area heading Appearance.    That brings up the Colors window, which shows you the various themes with their colors, with your current one outlined.    When you hover over a theme box, in the bottom right corner of that outlined theme box there will appear a pencil icon button and a trash icon button in a light grey.    If you select the pencil icon button it will bring up the KColorSchemeEditor, with a "Colors" tab that allows you to set all the item colors like always, including the active titlebar.    I always do an "Apply", and a "Save As" using the same name, then after closing, do another "Apply" in the Colors window,  and that should do it.  I'm not sure if all the Save and Applies  are necessary, I just know I had a hard time making my changes stick at first.  I've only done it the one time, to change the titlebar color.    (Sorry about the lines crammed together, can't figure how to get new lines, just see icons, no formatting.  Haven't posted in years, but I do remember titlebar color gradients.)  Regards, Warren

Thanks for the help.

Indeed, the small overlay window for editing was there while hovering.
Now my nice colors are back.

The KDE team has hidden the menu items well, as one would do with items on enemy’s territory.

Once I was studying a big program. Naturally, started with menus. The authors were not loving words, evidently, instead preferring to use pictograms (It is true, that there are enough graphical objects to account for all the words. In addition, graphical objects don’t need a translation: can you translate an image of cloud from English to French? - You will get the same cloud; it will not even change its form.) One menu item, when hovered on, showed a nice square. I never understood what that square meant. But it definitely had a meaning in author’s mind, and perhaps a meaning different from rectangle.

With Covid, these things are not going to improve…