KDE quickusbformatter will not run

As title says, quickusb formatter throwsa error on use, saying installed software is not installed:

Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> quickusbformatter
EXEC COMMAND :  "mkdosfs" , ARGS:  ("-v", "/dev/sdi1") 
Debug message from helper: Umounting device :  "/dev/sdi1" 
Debug message from helper: Executing: /bin/bash -c "mkdosfs -v /dev/sdi1" 
Debug message from helper: ERROR OUTPUT :  "/bin/bash: mkdosfs: command not found
Debug message from helper: OUTPUT:  "" 
Debug message from helper: EXIT CODE :  127 
Debug message from helper: ERROR :  "Unknown error" 
Debug message from helper: Current Dir :  "" 
Debug message from helper: Current env :  ("DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket", "DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE=system", "HOME=/root") 
Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> wheris mkdosfs
If 'wheris' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
    cnf wheris
Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> whereis mkdosfs
mkdosfs: /usr/sbin/mkdosfs /sbin/mkdosfs /usr/share/man/man8/mkdosfs.8.gz

ANy help is appreciated.

On 07/25/2016 10:36 PM, kilbert wrote:
> As title says, quickusb formatter throwsa error on use, saying installed
> software is not installed:
> Code:
> --------------------
> Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> quickusbformatter
> EXEC COMMAND : “mkdosfs” , ARGS: ("-v", “/dev/sdi1”)
> Debug message from helper: Umounting device : “/dev/sdi1”
> Debug message from helper: Executing: /bin/bash -c “mkdosfs -v /dev/sdi1”
> Debug message from helper: ERROR OUTPUT : "/bin/bash: mkdosfs: command not found
> "
> Debug message from helper: OUTPUT: “”
> Debug message from helper: EXIT CODE : 127
> Debug message from helper: ERROR : “Unknown error”
> Debug message from helper: Current Dir : “”
> Debug message from helper: Current env : (“DBUS_STARTER_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/dbus/system_bus_socket”, “DBUS_STARTER_BUS_TYPE=system”, “HOME=/root”)
> ^X^C
> Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> wheris mkdosfs
> If ‘wheris’ is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
> cnf wheris
> Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~> whereis mkdosfs
> mkdosfs: /usr/sbin/mkdosfs /sbin/mkdosfs /usr/share/man/man8/mkdosfs.8.gz
> Kilbert@linux-f5tb:~>
> --------------------
> ANy help is appreciated.
> thansk

is this a script you created?

linux since 1994
S.u.S.E./openSUSE since 1996

Need to be root from the errors. Most thinks in sbin need root permissions

is this a script you created?

linux since 1994
S.u.S.E./openSUSE since 1996

No, it is in the kde extras.
I filed a bug report

THE program asks for root password, and running as root creates same issue.
Appears the program is looking for the mkdos etc… in the wrong directory.

I filed a bug report