KDE Partition manager says I'm missing e2fsprogs and ntfs-3g despite both being installed?

Hello, I was trying to modify a few partitions in my PC through KDE partition manager but it doesn’t let me because e2fsprogs and ntfs-3g is missing. I tried installing them but the package manager says they are already installed. Any idea on what to do to fix this? Or will I need to use something else.

GParted works fine. I do not know how to use YaST partitioner to move and resize partitions so I don’t know if that program works or not.

Tools → Files ystem support → Rescan support

Are those supposed to be some kind of checkboxes? I have a bunch of red X’s there with no apparent way to change it. The only thing I can do with ext files systems is read label, backup and restore, everything else is red.

Did you hit the button in the lower left corner?

Pressing rescan support does indeed change the fields to checked but after restarting the program, it’s not working again anymore it seems

Yes, seems like that is only a temporary fix though, as after I run the program again afterwards, I need to press it again.


My I suggest that, you raise this issue on the KDE Discuss Forum – <https://discuss.kde.org/>

  • The KDE developers are present on that forum …

I will. Thanks, didn’t know they had a forum specific to KDE.

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