Hi I have just bought an Acer Aspire TimelineU and installed openSuse 12.2, and running KDE desktop. I have another different Toshiba Equium 7 year old laptop running with openSuse 12.1, and it’s using the same wireless network fine.
First of all instead of co-operating with KDEWallet when it asked me for a passward, I messed around with the settings and ended up removing it through yast, as it has been a source of annoyance over many years. This “may” have effected things. But since KDEWallet is now uninstalled, I don’t see how it could have any effect.
I tried removing Network Manager, and then reinstalled it through yast. I also installed plasmoid-networkmanager to make sure I have all the necessary stuff installed. However its still dropping the wireless connection and I can’t do anything online. The wireless network is not the greatest of all connections, but like I say I’m using fine on my other laptop. Any ideas or procedures I can do to get this working?
Hi thank you. That’s a great idea. I had reinstalled KWallet and doing this enabled me to reset the whole thing. I think it helped the situation.
I also set up my wifi connection manually with the name and password of the connection and that seemed to help. I managed to do all my online updates, but I had to do them small sections to cope with it cutting out.
There are still intermittent problems though…
I get something pop up asking for my root password saying…
System policy prevents modification of network settings for all users.
An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication is required to perform this action.
The wireless network connection also seems to be hanging on “requiring authorization”
Okay thanks. I did that. I now have “connection automatically” and “system connection” but I still seem to be having problems with this laptop/connection. It still keeps on disconnecting and I cant do much with it. Maybe I should test it on a different connection. I’m living in a motel at the moment. But it works fine on this laptop.
Is there anyway I can change permissions for network manager. I’ve never had network manager asking me for root password before, especially with that above quote.
Maybe I will have to actually try using/running KWallet again to try and solve the problem… On the only thing I have done differently this time is not use Kwallet.
I really don’t want to have to type in an extra password 20 times day or more. I really can’t see the point of KWalllet being associated with network manager with wireless connections, as most wireless networks require a password anyway. I’m moving into a new place tomorrow so I am sure that will help as well, if the wireless connection is better.
That’s what I would like to do once I can establish a decent connection, is to leave my computer on all the time and only reboot it once a week. But it is not possible yet due to this bug.
In my case I can not see any benefit to using KWallet, because my computer login is password protected and my wifi connection is password protected. System policy is also asking me for a root password. So for me its one password too many In addition to that because Network Manager is not holding the connection I’m having a continuous battle with passwords.
My latest status is that I tried using the following bug fix on the link below, but the system policy is still coming up asking me for a password,
All I can say is, I recommend kwallet
It all works much better if you do
That the connection drops of course, may be related to the device and driver more than anything else.
Perhaps you should tell us about the device. Has it worked with previous installs?
I have managed to resolve this issue now thanks by changing my wifi connection, and by moving to a different motel. Possibly it was a device or drive issue as the other laptop was working fine. So things are working much better now, and I can now including me.
Your recommendation doesn’t appeal to me, as I can NOT think of one reason to use Kwallet (in my situation). It’s a nice idea though, and I am sure that in OTHER situations it MAY be of some benefit to other people. But for me I DON’T recommend it, and that’s all I can say.
I can NOT think of one reason to use Kwallet…I DON’T recommend it
Thanks for that advice. Hearing you loud and clear.
It’ll be as if it’s fallen on deaf ears with me though.
I’m pleased you resolved your problem…really I am.
One thing you might want to try out if still using NetworkManager is to specify BSSID of your access point in the NetworkManager profile you’re using. This used to disable roaming that caused hard to notice connection drops while the background scanning was taking place (problematic for some drivers). I’m not sure if it is still true or most drivers are so good now that this is no longer an issue.
And thank you very much for the BSSID info. You’re a savior!
I thought this issue was solved, but it was just improved slightly with a different wifi connection. There were still problems. But the BSSID has solved my problem.
HOWEVER. There is a specific method that I have discovered. You don’t just type in the BSSID, that doesn’t always work. This is what I finally did and recommend:
1.) Go to Network Manager
2.) Go to Manage Connections
3.) Go to “add” or “edit” connection whichever you prefer for your connection
4.) Next to “SSID” there is a button called, “scan”. Click this. A map with all the wireless connections in your area comes up. Click on the wireless connection you want to use.
5.) Click on the option/check box that says, “use BSSID”. This will now populate everything such as the BSSID and mac codes etc.