KDE login problems

Hi There,

I wanted to disable the auto KDE login. So I fiollowed the instructions on Disable Auto Logon! - openSUSE Forums. But now my problem is, it doesn’t login automatically but the login/pwd promt from IceWM shows up and not the green login promt from opensuse anymore. I don’t know how to get it back - any hints?
Thank you!

I have tried putting my username back into /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager but this just auto logged me on to IceWM. How do I actually get back to KDE?


At the login screen, there are login options (lower left) click and select kde3
now login

Well no, there’s no login options on the IceWM login manager but what I did is, I just reinstalled KDE4 - there we go :slight_smile:
That’s the way for the lazy i guess :wink:

Yeah, that’s it! :slight_smile:
You can also disable autologin in YaST -> Security and Users -> User And Group Administration. In this windows hit the Expert Options button, and select Login Settings.