KDE Issues after update

Sorry for the double post. I put this in the Install/Boot/Login section by accident. My apologies.

Anyone having this issue or ideas on a fix?

I updated KDE 4.2 from the Factory repo tonight (updated to 4.2.0-73.2, I don’t remember what revision I was on before, but it was about a week old).

After updating, I went to log out, but nothing happened after confirming my desire to do so. I restarted X, logged in, and after opening up one or two applications, KDE exhibited the same behavior. Clicking on icons or apps off launder or anything on kicker… all yielded no results. The only thing that did work, was hitting Alt-F2 for the run box, then I could start NON-KDE apps, KDE apps still did nothing.

I restarted X again, and opened Konsole before KDE stopped responding again. Requesting a process list showed a ton of defunct processes (mostly nepomukserver and nepomukservices, but also 1 for each app I had starting in the tray which is just KMix and KCheckGMail).

I’d downgrade back out, but not sure what I would downgrade to since the previous revision isn’t up there of course.

Advice very appreciated.


I don’t have any idea what the problem is, but thanks for the warning.

I updated this morning and have no problems. Checking the repos this evening, only QT changed. But I didn’t update. Maybe you should try updating again. It can’t get any worse.:\

Check your version. See my Laptop Sig:

There have been no updates for over a week and the next ones will bring in 4.2.1 (sometime this week, maybe today)

Yeah, I have “102” as well and no new updates… Hrm :frowning: Part of the issue seems that KDE is trying to start things up twice. the ksmserver RC file is recording theat KMix (for example) is running at logoff, then on login trying to start it twice.

I think maybe it was something changing in my homedir, so I renamed .kde4 and let a new one get made. Same thing, though, first login was fine, subsequent ones were not.

Sorry. But I’m not experiencing any issues at the moment. (Actually, I’m happy about that).

You could try creating a New user account (it can easily be deleted). If you still get the problem then, at least we have narrowed down the issue.

Tried a new user as well and even after today’s revisions KDE is still performing as described. The only way to make it behave normally (and I have to do this before every login) is to delete the ksmserverrc file from ~/.kde4/share/config


when you rename the .kde4 folder are you doing it in kde4 or logging out and into some other desktop?
if your doing it in kde4 then it is just remaking a new .kde4 folder and keeping some of the settings
try logging out and logging into some other DE then rename the .kde4 fold then logging back into kde4

Yeah, I am logging out and then into another term, no DE, to rename it.

ok it was just a thought cause i had a problem renameing .kde4 while being in kde4 lol

I really appreciate peoples interest in helping… thank you.

I FIXED IT! It was the last thing I thought to try, but at the same time that I patched, updated, etc… I also updated my nvidia driver. In a final attempt to fix things, I downgraded to the second most resent (which has actually become the latest Stable release again, they marked the newer one as a Pre-Release since yesterday).

So… avoid nvidia driver 180.35, lol