TW 20171009 brought us Plasma 5.11.0 … and a rather unpleasant change to the behaviour of the icon only task manager, which I hope is a bug and not intentional.
Previously when an application was launched the icon would be underlined and remain in it’s (placed) position within the task manager.
Now the icon is underlined and moves to the rightmost position, upon closure of the application it returns to it’s original position.
Initial state (See later note re: Thunderbird and Firefox)
After launching “Dolphin” - Icon moves to right
After launching “Ark” - Icon moves to right
After closing “Dolphin” - Icon returns to it’s original position
Additionally, for some reason Thunderbird and Firefox icons are always at the left. Very oddly if I drag one to a different position then upon attempting to drag the other, the first returns to the left…
Hmmm… I really don’t need this today… >:(